Deconfinement: D1a (Parallel D)
- Raimond Snellings (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
Deconfinement: D1b (Parallel D)
- Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Deconfinement: D2b
- Fabian Rennecke (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Deconfinement: D3a (Parallel D)
- Chris Allton (Swansea University)
Deconfinement: D3b (Parallel D)
- Yukinao Akamatsu (Osaka University)
Deconfinement: D4a (Parallel D)
- Anthony Francis (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Deconfinement: D4b (Parallel D)
- Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Deconfinement: D4c (Parallel D)
- Jan M. Pawlowski
In collisions of heavy ions at ultra-relativistic energies at the Large Hadron Collider the deconfined state of nuclear matter, dubbedย quark-gluonย plasma (QGP),ย is produced.
Measurements of collective anisotropic flow have extensively contributed to the foundation of a perfect liquid paradigm about QGP properties, according to which QGP is the state of matter with the smallest specific...
(Anti)deuterons, being the simplest light ions, have recently become the subject of many studies aimed at a better understanding of their production mechanisms in heavy-ion collisions where the quarkโgluon plasma is formed. The mystery surrounding (anti)deuterons lies in their small binding energy, which holds the neutron and the proton together. This binding energy is about seventy times...
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has extensively studied the production of light flavour particles from small to large hadronic collision systems. In particular, ALICE measured the production of rare probes, such as strange and multistrange hadrons, light (anti-)nuclei, such as (anti-)deuterons, (anti-)triton, (anti-)helium, together with their strange counterparts, i.e....
In this work, we study the in- and out-of-equilibrium Chiral Magnetic Effects (CME) from lattice QCD simulations using two approaches. In the equilibrium approach, we consider a non-uniform magnetic background and show that local chiral magnetic currents appear as a response. We show that these currents average zero in the full volume, confirming that the total CME conductivity vanishes in...
The differential photon emissivity of the QGP is proportional to the transverse channel spectral function $\sigma(\omega)$ at lightlike kinematics.
Estimating the full energy-differential photon emissivity of a medium at thermal equilibrium from lattice QCD poses a challenge, as it involves a numerically ill-posed inverse problem. However, energy-integrated information on the photon...
We extend the recent study of $K_{1}/K^{*}$ enhancement as a signature of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) via the kinetic approach to include the effects due to non-unity hadron fugacities during the evolution of produced hadronic matter and the temperature-dependent $K_1$ mass. Although including non-unity pion and kaon fugacities...
Open heavy flavor and quarkonium observables are well established probes of the hot system produced in heavy-ion collisions. Open heavy flavor production is better under control than quarkonium in $p + p$ collisions due to uncertainties in the production mechanism. Newer observables such as correlated heavy flavor decays and production of exotics such as tetraquarks are generating added...
Thermal photon and dilepton rates are central probes for understanding the quark-gluon plasma and QCD at high temperatures. As a consequence there is a strong interest to determine them using lattice QCD calculations. However, this is made difficult as they are related to thermal spectral functions that are not directly accessible through lattice calculations. Instead they are indirectly...
The quark-hadron transition that happens in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is expected to be influenced by the effects of rotation and magnetic field, both present due to the geometry of a generic non-head-on impact. We augment the conventional $T$-$\mu_B$ planar phase diagram for QCD matter by extending it to a multi-dimensional domain spanned by temperature $T$, baryon chemical...
We study one-flavor $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ and $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ lattice QCD in ($1+1$) dimensions at zero temperature and finite density using matrix product states and the density matrix renormalization group. We compute physical observables such as the equation of state, chiral condensate, and quark distribution function as functions of the baryon number density. As a physical implication, we...
We discuss the QCD phase diagram in strong magnetic fields, where the chiral condensate is enhanced by the magnetic catalysis mechanism. In contrast to the conventional discussions, we include heavy-quark impurities that have been known to induce the Kondo effect. We propose a quantum critical point that arises as a consequence of the Kondo effect and the chiral symmetry breaking. Our phase...
High-order perturbative calculations are one of the only first-principles ways of studying the behaviour of QCD matter at extreme densities. Understanding such matter has become increasingly important in recent years, with the improved experimental access to neutron stars --- the only known systems where deconfined dense matter exists --- via both improved measurements of lonely neutron stars...
Understanding the thermodynamics of cold and dense QCD matter has become a prominent research topic due to recent advances in neutron-star observations. Unfortunately, the notorious Sign Problem impedes the study of such matter using lattice QCD.
However, nonperturbative inequalities constrain the pressure of dense QCD with its phase-quenched counterpart, a Sign-Problem-free theory that is...
Due to its phenomenological relevance in heavy-ion collisions, cosmology and astrophysics, the determination of the QCD pressure - either at high temperature or large baryon density - has driven a number of important theoretical advances in perturbative thermal field theory applicable to equilibrium thermodynamics. In particular, the long-standing infrared problems that obstruct the...
We investigate spectral features of bottomonium at high temperature, in particular the thermal mass shift and width of ground state S-wave and P-wave state. We employ and compare a range of methods for determining these features from lattice NRQCD correlators, including direct correlator analyses, smeared spectral functions, and Bayesian methods for spectral function reconstruction. We...
I will review the latest fluctuation measurements of strangeness, charge and baryon number from LHC and RHIC, with a focus on results from the second beam energy scan at RHIC. I will confront the data with lattice QCD calculations at zero and small baryon densities and with phenomenological and holographic models at finite baryon densities.
Exploration of the QCD phase diagram is pivotal in particle and nuclear physics. We construct a full four-dimensional equation of state of QCD as a function of the temperature and the chemical potentials of baryon (B), charge (Q), and strangeness (S) by extending the NEOS model [1] beyond the conventional two-dimensional approximation. Lattice QCD calculations based on the Taylor expansion...
We develop the (3+1)D dilute Glasma approximation [1], a semi-analytic framework for the computation of rapidity-dependent early-time observables in relativistic proton and ion collisions. Going beyond the boost-invariant approximation, we take the three-dimensional distribution of color charges within nucleons and nuclei into account. Specifically, we find a simple analytic expression for the...
The dilute Glasma is a novel approach to modeling the rapidity-dependent initial stage of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions based on the Color Glass Condensate effective field theory. The gluonic interaction between the large Bjorken-x, static sources localized in the colliding nuclei is described by classical Yang-Mills equations. By performing an expansion in the weak sources, we are...
Using a quark model with parameters that well reproduce the ground state hadron masses, we discuss what configurations are attractive and contribute to exotic configurations. We then discuss how these configurations conspire to enhance production of certain particles in heavy ion collisions when quark-gluon plasma is formed. As an illustration, we discuss recent observations of $\Xi_c/D$...
We calculate the leading and subleading corrections to the real-time static potential in a high-temperature quark-gluon plasma for distances smaller than the screening length. The calculation involves one-loop two and four point functions in the hard-thermal-loop effective theory. We apply our results to estimate the dissociation temperature, the thermal mass shift and the thermal decay width...
The propagation of colored quarks and subsequent formation of hadrons in the nuclear medium are the phenomena closely related to the fundamental processes in QCD. This topic has captivated the interest of diverse scientific communities, ranging from Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) to Drell-Yan and Heavy-Ion collisions. A unique feature of semi-inclusive DIS is its ability to investigate...
Heavy-ion collisions are a gateway to understanding quantum chromodynamics under extreme conditions. At such high energies, heavy quarks become important, and via the use of effective field theories, their behaviour can be related to a correlator of chromoelectric fields. Studying it in the high-temperature background relevant for heavy-ion collisions lets one, for example, extract the...
Using the potential non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (pNRQCD) effective field theory in an open quantum system, we derive a Lindblad equation for the evolution of the heavy-quarkonium reduced density matrix that is accurate to next-to-leading order (NLO) in the ratio of the binding energy of the state to the temperature of the medium [1]. The resulting NLO Lindblad equation can be used...
The FASTSUM collaboration has a long-standing project examining hadronic properties using anisotropic lattice QCD. I will introduce our efforts to determine the spectral properties of bottomonia at finite temperature using lattice NRQCD and describe how our newer simulations improve our control over systematic errors. Motivated by these efforts, I will discuss the temperature dependence of...
In the presence of a deconfined medium, scattering amplitudes slightly change, leaving an imprint on jet production. Precise measurements of these modified jets thus infer knowledge of the QGP phase compared to standard perturbative QCD calculations. In this talk, we review the theory of jets and their modification in a deconfined plasma on the ground of perturbation theory. We introduce a...
The LHC Runs 5 and 6 will provide high luminosity pp and Pb-Pb collisions and options for pA and lighter AA systems are under study. ATLAS and CMS will upgrade their detectors during LS3, LHCb is planning a major upgrade for LS4. The ALICE Collaboration is proposing a completely new apparatus, ALICE 3, for the LHC Runs 5 and 6. The ALICE 3 detector consists of a large pixel-based tracking...
The ALICE experiment has provided numerous insights into the properties and behavior of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), greatly advancing our understanding of this state of matter in the early universe and the fundamental properties of QCD matter under extreme conditions. This talk will present the latest ALICE results covering topics such as collective dynamics, correlations and fluctuations,...
In this talk, I will report our recent achievements based on refs. [1,2]. Below are highlights from our results.
Perturbative Confinement under Imaginary Rotation
We perturbatively calculated the Polyakov loop potential at high $T$ with imaginary angular velocity. Under the rapid imaginary rotation, the potential favors zero Polyakov loop, i.e. confinement. In ref. [1], we found a...
In this talk I will show you our recent results on the quark pairing gap in sQGP by solving the coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations for quark propagator and quark gluon vertex in the Nambu-Gorkov basis which is widely applied to study the color superconductivity. We acquire a quark pairing gap at small chemical potential which is related to the dimension two gluon condensate and...
We address the lattice computation of the gluon propagator in the center-symmetric Landau gauge. After discussing a proper lattice implementation of the center-symmetric Landau gauge, we compare the lattice data with analytical results, and we identify various signatures of center symmetry breaking.
For decades now, low-energy models of QCD have shown indications that a crystalline quark phase could be stable at high chemical potentials. Beyond models, however, there are numerous difficulties in investigating such a hypothesis in full QCD, such as the sign problem. Functional methods do not suffer from the sign problem, and thus, can access the high-$\mu$ side of the QCD phase diagram. In...