22–26 Jul 2024
CICG - GENEVA, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Impact of hydrogen embrittlement on cryogenic mechanical properties of 304 steel

24 Jul 2024, 12:45
Room B+C

Room B+C

Regular Oral (15m) ICMC 12: Hydrogen technology materials, structures and techniques Wed-Or9


Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)


Within the framework of the “AppLHy!” pilot project, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is investigating the transport and application of liquid hydrogen (LH2). Due to the advantages of LH2, such as high energy density, high purity, storage at low pressure and the possible facilitation of the available cryogenic temperature level, various application scenarios are being investigated.
In this work, the influence of the hydrogen embrittlement on mechanical properties of the austenitic steel 304 from room temperature down to 20 K is investigated. The hydrogen content of the material is varied using a high pressure (max. 200 bar), high temperature (max. 300°C) hydrogen charging chamber. Tensile and fracture measurements are performed at different temperatures to evaluate the influence of the hydrogen content on the mechanical behavior. The results are reflected with regard to the microstructure and possible deformation mechanisms.

Submitters Country Germany


Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)


Astrid Pundt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Camelia Schulz (KIT, Institute for Technical Physics) Elvina Gaisina (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Monzer Alhusien Ali Maarouf (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Zahra Abbasi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technical Physics)

Presentation materials