22–26 Jul 2024
CICG - GENEVA, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experimental and numerical study of a modified condensation-driven dilution refrigerator

23 Jul 2024, 14:00
Poster area

Poster area

Poster Presentation (120m) ICEC 02: Cryocoolers, magnetic coolers and other coolers Tue-Po-1.2


Weijun Cheng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Dilution refrigerators are widely used in the fields of condensed matter physics and quantum technology. The condensation-driven dilution refrigerator uses a condenser operating at temperatures below that of the Still to liquefy the 3He vapor and achieve the circulation of the 3He, which has the advantages of compact structure, lightweight, low cost, and low vibration. Due to these characteristics, the CDR can meet the requirements of specific applications, such as the forthcoming generation of Cosmic Microwave Background observatories and astrophysics balloon missions. The published research primarily focuses on the system architecture and performance, and in-depth thermodynamics analyses are lacking. In 2023, we built a condensation-driven dilution refrigerator with a lowest no-load temperature 68 mK, and the cooling performances need to be further improved. In this paper, the condensation-driven dilution refrigerator will be modified, optimizations will be made to the heat exchanger of the previous prototype. Experimentally studied and corresponding numerical simulations will be performed, and the results of experiments and simulations will be compared and analyzed. In the experiments, the lower cooling temperature and higher cooling power of the system could be expected. With the help of simulations, the internal dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of the experimental system during operation will be clarified, which provide guidance for further optimizations.

Submitters Country China


Weijun Cheng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) Zhiheng Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Yanan Wang (Technical Institute Of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Wei Dai (Technical Institute Of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials