22–26 Jul 2024
CICG - GENEVA, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Performance investigation of multilayer insulation structures with variable metal coating

25 Jul 2024, 14:00
Poster area

Poster area

Poster Presentation (120m) ICMC 05: Thin films, multilayers, electronics, materials, processing and properties Thu-Po-3.6


wenjie zhou


Multi-layer insulation (MLI) is a passive insulation technology, which is known as "super insulation" due to its excellent insulation performance in cryogenics engineering field. The traditional multi-layer insulated reflective layer often uses a single aluminum metal coating, ignoring the influence of temperature change on the metal emissivity. On this basis, this paper proposes a variable metal coating MLI (VM-MLI) using aluminum, gold and copper as reflective layer materials. In this research, the layer-to-layer model is employed to theoretically analyze the performance of VM-MLI. The total heat leakage of the MLI and the VM-MLI under the same conditions are calculated, and the effects of layer density, spacer layer material, air pressure and thermal boundary temperature on the total heat leakage of the VM-MLI are analyzed. The calculation results show that the VM-MLI can significantly reduce the total heat leakage, and the thermal insulation performance of the newly designed insulation structure is about 55% higher than that of the traditional single aluminum metal coating MLI.

Submitters Country P. R. China


jiayuan yu (hangzhou dianzi university) wenjie zhou xiaoqin zhi (zhejiang university)

Presentation materials