22–26 Jul 2024
CICG - GENEVA, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Assembly process and quality control of the magnet cryostats for the HL-LHC project at CERN

24 Jul 2024, 14:00
Poster area

Poster area

Poster Presentation (120m) ICEC 02: Cryocoolers, magnetic coolers and other coolers Wed-Po-2.6


Alisdair Douglas Seller (CERN)


As part of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Upgrade (HL-LHC) at CERN, new focusing quadrupoles, separation and recombination dipoles, and corrector magnets will be installed on either side of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Specific cryostat designs were developed to allow for the operation of these magnets at 1.9K. A base design concept is progressed into 19 cryostat types to comply with requirements that depend on tunnel integration, cryogenics, instrumentation, and cold mass dimensions. The assembly process for the cryostats is split into two main phases: Phase 1 involves inserting the cold mass and thermal shield assembly into the vacuum vessel, while in Phase 2 a so-called service module is added to provide specific features and interfaces for installation in the LHC tunnel. In 2022, the production of the first cryostat began following the completion of the design, the procurement of components, the definition of the assembly process and the availability of a magnet cold mass. Six cryostat assemblies have been completed at the level of Phase 1, and one cryostat is well advanced towards completion of Phase 2 by mid-2024. This paper presents an overview of the assembly process and the quality controls utilised to ensure consistent high-quality execution during the assembly of each cryostat. It examines several aspects, such as the specialised tooling utilised during the assembly, how strict leak testing requirements are met, as well as detailing some of the issues encountered and lessons learned.

Submitters Country Switzerland


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