Tue-Po-1.1: Large Scale Cryogenic Systems 2
- Laurent Jean Tavian (CERN)
Liquid air energy storage (LAES) is an emerging energy storage technology with significant potential for development, owing to its geographical flexibility and superior ability to integrate external energy sources. However, the efficiency of conventional LAES systems is hindered by the shortage of internal cold energy, necessitating the incorporation of external cold energy to improve system...
Liquid air energy storage (LAES), characterized by high energy storage density, large-scale storage capacity, and rapid response time, emerges as a novel energy storage technology applicable to grid peaking and renewable energy saving. However, LAES lags behind other energy storage technologies in terms of system efficiency, primarily due to the internal cold energy deficit. To enhance system...
ISIS Neutron and Muon source is a scientific facility which welcomes over 3000 scientific and industrial users per year to carry out experiments across a range of scientific disciplines. Approximately 500 experiments per year require some form of cryogenic sample environment equipment for cooling the sample, and a significant proportion of these use ‘wet’ cryostat or magnet systems consisting...
The Shenzhen Superconducting Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (S3FEL) accelera-tor is based on the TESLA type superconducting RF cavity technology. It consists of 26 1.3 GHz cryomodules and 2 3.9 GHz cryomodules, which can produce 2.5GeV free electron laser and operate in continuous wave mode. Three cryogen-ic systems, namely Test Facility CryoPlant (TFCP), Prototype Accelarator Cry-oPlant...
Liquid air energy storage (LAES) technology is characterized by its high energy storage density, geographical independence, and ease of integration with other systems. The LAES integrates and offsets the intermittency and volatility of renewable energy sources. However, air compression and liquefaction processes significantly impact the round-trip efficiency of the entire LAES system. This...
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is going to provide long-pulsed cold and thermal neutron fluxes at very high brightness. It is one of the largest science and technology infrastructure project being built on outskirt of Lund, in Sweden. Protons at 2 GeV (with a normal current of 62.5 mA) are delivered by a superconducting linear proton accelerator and are injected on a rotatory tungsten...
Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES), characterized by its large-scale energy storage capacity and geographical flexibility, represents a promising solution to address the intermittency and volatility of renewable energy. In the construction phase of a LAES power station, the pre-cooling procedure for the cold energy storage fluid and its corresponding tank assumes critical significance, as it...
The JT-60SA tokamak fusion experiment is under final commissioning at Naka, Japan. The magnetic confinement of this fusion facility is performed by superconducting magnets cooled around 4.5 K. The JT-60SA magnet system is composed of toroidal field (TF) magnets, central solenoid (CS), and equilibrium field (EF) magnets. There are 18 TF magnets (Nb-Ti conductor, max field at conductor 5.65 T),...
The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) will provide long-pulsed cold and thermal neutron fluxes at very high brightness to the research community. Spallation neutrons are produced by a linear proton accelerator with an average beam power of ultimately 5 MW. These neutrons are moderated to cold and thermal energies by the moderators. Initially, the ESS will install two hydrogen moderators...
Wei Ji1, Jiyun Liu1, Zi Lin1, Lingwei Cui1, Liubiao Chen2, 3, Junjie Wang1, 2, 4, *
1 Zhonglv Zhongke Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., 18 Lishi Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P. R. China;
2 Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, 29 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China;
3 Institute of Optical...
In fusion experimental devices and accelerators, superconducting magnets and cavities are cooled by cryogen supplied through transfer lines from helium liquefier/refrigerators. Since those devices have become larger recently and are operated continuously for a long time, the heat leak into transfer lines has a large influence on the cooling capacity of the helium liquefier/refrigerators....
Liquid air energy storage (LAES) technology stands out as a promising large-scale energy storage solution owing to its inherent advantages such as high storage density, geographical flexibility, and scalability. The liquefaction unit, being a pivotal element of the LAES system, significantly influences its overall performance. However, existing research on the liquefaction unit within the LAES...
Liquid air energy storage (LAES) is a large-scale, long-duration energy storage technology that stores electricity in the form of liquid air. Air liquefaction is the core process of a LAES system, determining the conversion rate between electricity and liquid air and affecting the system efficiency. Conventional LAES systems are often based on a single liquefaction cycle, such as the...