Unravelling the Universe with Pulsar Timing Arrays

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tao Han

Workshop Scope and Goals: The detection of Gravitational Waves has opened a new window to observe the universe. The evidence of a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) found by Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) such as the NANOGrav Collaboration gives a view of the SGWB in the nanohertz frequency range. At the same time, significant progress has been made in understanding the primordial and astrophysical sources of gravitational waves and their detection with PTAs. Thus PTAs can provide a window into the astrophysics of supermassive black holes (SMBH), as well as beyond standard model physics that could have played a role during the first microseconds of the universe. The aim of this workshop is to bring experts on various topics of PTAs, astrophysics of SMBH, and primordial sources of gravitational waves. It will focus on opportunities for pulsars and PTAs to address problems in astronomy, astrophysics and BSM physics. Plenty of time will be provided to foster collaboration among the participants. 

Dates: November 30th to December 2nd, 2023 (Thursday - Saturday)

Location: In person, University of Pittsburgh,

Workshop venue: Hilton Garden Inn, 3454 Forbes Ave. Click here

Banquet venue: Grand Concourse

Local Organizers: Brian Batell, Amit Bhoonah, Arnab Dasgupta, Akshay Ghalsasi, Tao Han, Arthur Kosowsky, Andrew Zentner. 

External Organizers: Maura McLaughlin, Sean McWilliams

Administrator: Joni George

The Zoom room link for the conference is: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/95417938368

To acquire the Zoom room password, kindly send an email to any of the individuals listed in the Contact section.

Invited Speakers:

Yang Bai

Paul Baker

Kimberly Boddy

Neil Cornish

Jeff Dror

Emmanuel Fonesca

Ross Jennings

Tina Kahniashvili

Luke Zoltan Kelly

Arthur Kosowsky

Tingting Liu

Tiziana Di Matteo

Maura McLaughlin

Sean McWilliams

Harikrishnan Ramani

Alex Saffer

Sarah Vigeland

  • Akshay Ghalsasi
  • Alex Saffer
  • Amit Bhoonah
  • Antonella Palmese
  • Arnab Dasgupta
  • Arthur Kosowsky
  • Arthur Wu
  • Atinc Cagan Sengul
  • Brenda Gomez
  • Brian Batell
  • Chris Choi
  • Christopher Hernandez
  • Da Liu
  • Ekaterine Dadiani
  • Elizabeth Meador
  • Emily Biermann
  • Emmanuel Fonseca
  • Francis Burk
  • Harikrishnan Ramani
  • Irvin Martinez
  • Jeff Dror
  • Jingping Li
  • Joni George
  • Juhun Kwak
  • Junyu Chen
  • Kangkan Kalita
  • Keping Xie
  • Kimberly Boddy
  • Luke Zoltan Kelley
  • Marcell Howard
  • Matthew Knauss
  • Matthew Low
  • Maura McLaughlin
  • Monica Leys
  • Murman Gurgenidze
  • Neil Cornish
  • Nianyi Chen
  • Nicolas Fernandez
  • Paul Baker
  • Ross Jennings
  • Sarah Vigeland
  • Sayan Mandal
  • Scott Watson
  • Sean McWilliams
  • Shuyang Cao
  • Si Wang
  • Tao Han
  • Taylor Starkman
  • Tina Kahniashvili
  • Tingting Liu
  • Tiziana Di Matteo
  • Umer Zubair
  • Vatsalya Sharan
  • Wenjie Huang
  • Yang Bai
  • Yihao Zhou