The double copy is at the heart of QCD meets Gravity. In this review talk I will focus on some of the many successes of the double copy, and also point to some areas where progress would be particularly welcome.
I present a framework for extending the double copy to five-dimensional N=2 Yang-Mills-Einstein theories with non-compact gauge groups. While non-compact gauge groups are known to lead to inconsistencies in case of YM theories, they become a viable option in supergravity and have long been known and investigated by the supergravity community. We will show that their amplitudes can be...
Traditionally the double copy is praised for efficient construction of gravitational S-matrix elements at high orders in perturbation theory, by way of simpler gauge theory building blocks. In this talk, we will find that color-kinematics duality can also be used to inform UV completion of effective field theories (EFTs). In our approach, UV information about gauge/gravity EFTs can be...
Binary black holes are the most numerous source of observed
gravitational waves (GW). Precise knowledge about the interaction
between two black holes and the emitted GWs are of high importance for
finding and analysing GW signals, as well as to deepen the
understanding of the structure and solutions of Einstein's equations.
In this talk, I summarize the contributions of Numerical...
The standard approximations to the two-body problem in General Relativity include weak-field perturbation theory (“PN’’ and “PM’’) and a strong-field scheme which expands in powers of the mass ratio but retains all orders in G-Newton, ie. “self-force’’. I’ll discuss recent work which used inspiration from self-force to simplify perturbative computations. We introduce an effective field theory...
Massive resonances with spin larger or equal 2 are ubiquitous in physics, but their mass is always larger than their inverse size (the EFT cutoff). I will show that this condition follows from the requirement that the underlying theory be unitary and causal.
Jets are a central component of many analyses at collider experiments, and uncertainties related to jet reconstruction and QCD limit the precision of a variety of experimental analyses. Their production involves both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of QCD, resulting in a rich structure that is difficult to model precisely. The talk will discuss several different measurements that...
I present work which provides evidence through two loops that rational letters of polylogarithmic Feynman integrals are captured by the Landau equations, when the latter are recast as a polynomial of the kinematic variables of the integral, known as the principal A-determinant. Focusing on one loop, I further discuss how all square-root letters may also be obtained, by re-factorizing the...
Crossing symmetry in interacting quantum field theory suggests that particles and antiparticles traveling back in time are indistinguishable. To rigorously prove this property, it is necessary to show that on-shell observables across different channels are boundary values of the same analytic function. Known non-perturbative proofs in specific cases heavily rely on fundamental physical...
Multi-loop Feynman integrals for collider physics are known to contain intricate geometries and to evaluate to complicated transcendental numbers and functions. In this talk, I will investigate Feynman integrals contributing to the emission of gravitational waves up to fifth order in the post-Minkowskian expansion, identifying new geometries that lead to new transcendental functions.
I will describe how methods largely developed to tackle problems in QCD are extremely useful to understand the gravitational problem of the initial conditions. More specifically, I will how to obtain differential equations (in terms of boundary momenta) for tree-level cosmological correlators in a toy model. The differential equations follow a set of self consistent rules that can be explained...
Monte Carlo event generators are central tools in today's particle physics community. In this talk, I will focus on their central part, the parton shower algorithm. I will discuss how, from a perturbative QCD standpoint, one can define, assess and improve their (logarithmic) accuracy.
Sector decomposition is a well known method for numerically computing Feynman integrals. In the physical (Minkowski) region, it is sometimes necessary to deform the integration contour into the complex plane in order to avoid poles, or more generally singular hypersurfaces, in the integration domain. However, there exist Feynman integrals with `pinched' singularities, for which the usual...
The detections of gravitational waves emitted by compact binary coalescences gave rise to the new science of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, which opened up new possibilities for scientific investigation also in cosmology and fundamental physics. In this presentation I will give an overview of the observational results and some hints to the impact they had, are having and will have on our...
I discuss expressions for gravity amplitudes and show that they can be written as term wise double copies of those in YM gauge theory derived from BCFW.
Certain non-abelian gauge theories obey so-called BCJ duality, whereby their colour algebra is accompanied by a second algebra involving kinematic degrees of freedom, and which in turn allows amplitudes in such theories to be double-copied to gravity. For special theories in particular gauges, the kinematic algebra can be ascertained exactly, and corresponds to an (infinitely dimensional) Lie...
I will present the recent computation of a complete set of the two-loop five-point Feynman integrals with one external mass. Employing the method of canonical differential equations and the properties of Chen's iterated integrals, we construct a basis of special functions that greatly facilitates the calculation of scattering amplitudes, and is amenable for applications in NNLO QCD...