Monday PM 1: Gravitational Waves
- Stefano Foffa (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Binary black holes are the most numerous source of observed
gravitational waves (GW). Precise knowledge about the interaction
between two black holes and the emitted GWs are of high importance for
finding and analysing GW signals, as well as to deepen the
understanding of the structure and solutions of Einstein's equations.
In this talk, I summarize the contributions of Numerical...
The standard approximations to the two-body problem in General Relativity include weak-field perturbation theory (“PN’’ and “PM’’) and a strong-field scheme which expands in powers of the mass ratio but retains all orders in G-Newton, ie. “self-force’’. I’ll discuss recent work which used inspiration from self-force to simplify perturbative computations. We introduce an effective field theory...