Neutrinos are the only particles that easily elude the Standard Model description. Due to their non-zero mass, effects like neutrino oscillations have been observed, which are clear indicators of Beyond Standard Model physics. With so many unknowns, accelerator neutrino beams offer a clean testbed for experiments that would like to further understand the underlying physics. We will shortly...
In beam-lines providing particles to test High Energy Physics detectors there is a need to provide a way of synchronizing the "device under test" with instrumentation such as a beam telescope installed in the beam-line.
In order to ease use of beam test facilities the EU funded EUDET,AIDA,AIDA-2020 and now AIDA-Innova projects have developed Trigger/Timing Logic Units (TLUs) that aim to...
The qualification of new detectors in test beam environments presents a dynamic setting that demands the stable operation of diverse devices equipped with different Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems. This complexity necessitates a system capable of controlling the data taking, monitoring the experimental setup, facilitating seamless configuration, and easy integration of new devices.
In order to maintain its outstanding performance under the challenging conditions brought by the high-luminosity LHC, the CMS collaboration is preparing the production of a new outer tracker detector. The upgraded detector modules will feature two silicon sensors and the ability of reading out correlated clusters, or stubs, compatible with high transverse momentum particles at the full 40MHz...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Phase II upgrade aims to increase the instantaneous accelerator luminosity. A new readout system of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is needed to meet the trigger's requirements, to cope with the higher radiation levels and the aging of the current electronics. It has to handle longer latencies of up to 35 µs at such high pileup levels. The upgrade TileCal...
The CERN secondary beamlines of the North and the East Area are designed to deliver beams of secondary and tertiary particles as well as attenuated primary protons and ions from the SPS and PS accelerators for fixed target experiments and beam tests. Protons with $24\,\text{GeV}/c$ at the PS and with $400\,\text{GeV}/c$ at the SPS produce typically hadrons, electrons, and muons within a wide...
The ability to study the open mysteries about the universe strongly relies on the capability of innovating high-energy physics instrumentation and research infrastructures. The diversity of physics programs supported by CERN requires to provide access to a wide variety of particle beams and radiation fields at CERN and at worldwide research institutes to fulfill user’s needs. Hence, the...
Fermilab plays host to the Fermilab Test Beam Facility(FTBF) and the Irradiation Test Area (ITA). The FTBF is one of the highest energy facilities in the world which is dedicated to helping experimenters develop, test, and calibrate particle detectors. The Fermilab accelerator complex delivers a 120 GeV primary proton beam and secondary/tertiary beams of varying momenta and particle content....
The DESY II Test Beam Facility is looking back at another successful year.
In this contribution, a review is given over the test beam period 2023 and the running period 2024. This includes the current status of the facility as well as recent developments of the infrastructure and improvements for the user community.
In addition, studies on the future of the facility are presented against the...
This lecture is an introduction to the Trigger and DAQ (TDAQ) systems for small and medium HEP experiments. After introducing the main role of TDAQ and its requirements, it goes through the basic TDAQ concepts, like digitisation, latency, deadtime, busy logic and derandomization. Each component of the TDAQ framework is described with the corresponding technology choices, following the scaling...
The goal of the TANGERINE project is to develop the next generation of monolithic silicon pixel detectors using a 65 nm CMOS imaging process, which offers a higher logic
density and overall lower power consumption compared to currently utilized feature sizes.
The Analogue Pixel Test Structure (APTS) are sensors designed and developed by ALICE with readout boards developed by CERN EP R&D...
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have been selected as the photodetector technology for the dual-radiator RICH (dRICH) detector of the ePIC experiment at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). A large-area prototype readout surface, consisting of a total of 1280 3 x 3 mm² SiPM sensors, was recently built and installed as part of the dRICH prototype during a beam test in October 2023 at...
The LHCb experiment is one of the four large detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, performing searches for new physics through studies of CP-violation and rare decays of heavy-flavour hadrons. The RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov) sub-detectors assume a critical role in particle identification. At present, intensive test beam campaigns, lead by the RICH group, are actively...
This paper introduces a novel concept for a charge detector featuring high resolution and a wide dynamic range. The prototype of this detector was specifically designed and constructed to serve the ion beam monitoring requirements of the High-Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment during beam tests conducted at CERN SPS facilities.
The prototype incorporates a series of silicon...
The J-PARC E16 experiment has the goal to search for signatures of the spontanoeusly broken chiral symmetry and its (partial) restoration, through the study in-medium modification of the vector mesons, particulary the phi meson, decaying via di-electron channel, with a high intensity 30 GeV proton beam interacting with C and Cu targets at rates up to 10 MHz. For this purpose, the experiment...
Muon spin rotation (μSR) is a long existing baseline technique in condensed matter research, facilitating the exploration of magnetic and superconducting phenomena. Traditional reliance on scintillator-based detectors, limited in rate and spatial resolution, hinders the investigation of novel quantum materials. The use of ultra-thin silicon pixel sensors for precise track reconstruction has...
Scope of the tutorial
The goal of this interactive tutorial is to understand the usage of basic functionalities of the Allpix Squared simulation framework, and methods to extract some of the relevant quantities for sensor studies. Participants are encouraged to follow along on their own computers. A task and instructions will be provided and walked through, covering the basic concepts of...
Corryvreckan is a software framework dedicated to the analysis of test-beam data. It employs a modular concept, providing algorithms for typical analysis steps like pixel masking, clustering, tracking, alignment and for the reconstruction of commonly investigated observables like hit detection efficiency, spatial and temporal resolution, or material budget. This approach allows for a flexible...
Scope of the tutorial
The goal of this interactive tutorial is to understand the usage of basic functionalities of the Allpix Squared simulation framework, and methods to extract some of the relevant quantities for sensor studies. Participants are encouraged to follow along on their own computers. A task and instructions will be provided and walked through, covering the basic concepts of...
Corryvreckan is a software framework dedicated to the analysis of test-beam data. It employs a modular concept, providing algorithms for typical analysis steps like pixel masking, clustering, tracking, alignment and for the reconstruction of commonly investigated observables like hit detection efficiency, spatial and temporal resolution, or material budget. This approach allows for a flexible...
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with about 10 million fatalities every year. A large fraction of cancer patients receives radiotherapy in the course of their treatment, of which the vast majority is treated with X-rays. Ion-beam radiotherapy offers steeper dose gradients and a higher biological effectiveness (ability to neutralise cancerous cells) compared with conventional X-ray...
As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, CMS is developing a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) to replace the existing endcap calorimeters. The HGCAL will be realized as a sampling calorimeter equipped with silicon and SiPM-on-tile modules. For the validation of the HCGAL, prototype of various silicon modules types have been exposed to beam of electrons, muons and pions at the CERN SPS H4...
The High-Luminosity phase of the CERN Large Hadron Collider will pose new challenges for the detectors. The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS experiment will be equipped with a completely new readout electronics to cope with increase in the number of pp collisions per bunch crossing, as high as 200, and higher noise induced by radiation. Two on-beam vertical integration tests were...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) is a new sub-detector planned for the Phase 2 upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN LHC. The MTD is designed to measure the time-of-arrival of charged particles with a resolution of 30-60 ps. The precision time information from MTD will reduce the effects of the high levels of pileup expected at the HL-LHC, bringing new capabilities to...
A beam telescope based on the Timepix4 ASIC was built in order to perform tests of synchronous multiple-detector readout and track reconstruction with fast timing capability.
The telescope consists of eight planes with n-on-p silicon sensors, each bump bonded to a Timepix4 ASIC. Four of these planes are instrumented with 300 µm thick planar sensors, and they are tilted with respect to the be...
Beam tests often rely on the precise reconstruction of particle tracks as a reference measurement. Therefore, the DESY II Test Beam facility provides beam telescopes to its users. They have to be flexible regarding the integration of a device under test and consist of a minimum amount of material to not disturb the comparatively low-energy beam $(\lesssim6\,\textrm{GeV})$. These requirements...
The RD51 collaboration focuses on the R&D of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs). Included in their activities are joint test beam campaigns at a semi-permanent facility at the H4 beam line of CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). As part of the test beam infrastructure, two beam telescopes with 10 x 10 cm² active area are provided. One telescope employs MicroMegas detectors for tracking...
The EPFL Scintillating Fibre Telescope is composed of 4 X-Y modules with an active surface of 13x13 cm2. It is made of 250 um diameter scintillating fibres readout with SiPM arrays and its front-end electronics is based on the TOFPET2 ASIC. The telescope suits very well the requirements for detector tests. It has per plane an excellent hit detection efficiency (>98%) and spatial resolution...
The Endcap Timing ReadOut Chip (ETROC) for the CMS MIP Timing Detector is designed to process signals from Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) with a time resolution of 40-50ps per hit. The ETROC2 is the first full size (16x16) prototype design and full functionality design, and in this talk we present the results from the CMS ETROC suitcase style beam telescope results at CERN and DESY to study...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) calls for new high-radiation tolerant silicon pixel sensors, capable of withstanding, in the innermost tracker layer, fluences up to 2.3E16 neq/cm2 (1MeV equivalent neutrons). An extensive R&D program aiming at 3D pixel sensors, built with a top-side only process, has been put in place in CMS in collaboration with FBK...
The LHC is to enter a High Luminosity era in 2029, and many systems are to be upgraded or replaced in order to overcome challenges brought up by the vastly increasing luminosity. The corresponding Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS experiment is scheduled for Long Shutdown 3 in 2026. This includes installation of the entirely new Outer Tracker, consisting of two types of double-sensor modules, namely,...
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) detector operates on the International Space Station. It performs high precision measurements of cosmic ray composition and fluxes, searches for antimatter and dark matter. To increase the detection acceptance and improve its heavy ion identification power, the AMS collaboration plan to add a new layer (L0) of silicon tracker on top of AMS-02. The...
Multiple Coulomb scattering of charged particles in matter is in high energy physics often seen as a nuisance due to its stochastic nature and the concomitant deterioration of tracking and momentum resolution. In this contribution studies on a technique are presented utilising this effect for the purpose of a medical imaging method, electronCT.
This technique applies radiation detectors...
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a space-borne experiment with the unique capability of distinguishing matter from anti-matter, thanks to its capability of measuring the charge sign from the track deflection within its magnetic field. The AMS Collaboration decided to upgrade the silicon tracker with the installation of an additional tracking layer on the top of the existing instrument....
The High-energy Proton Experiment Station (HPES) is currently being constructed as part of the CSNS-II project. The 1.6 GeV protons are extracted from the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of CSNS and directed to the HPES in the form of "single particle beam". Test terminals have been designed within the HPES to facilitate the completion of beam tests. The primary objective of the HPES test terminals...
A new hybrid photodetector, based on a vacuum tube containing a transmission photocatode, a microchannel plate and a CMOS pixelated read-out anode (the Timepix4 ASIC) is under development in the framework of the 4DPHOTON ERC-funded project.
This detector will allow to image single photons up to a maximum rate of 1 billion photons per second over an area of $\sim$7 cm$^2$, reaching...
Caribou is a versatile data acquisition system used in multiple collaborative frameworks (CERN EP R&D, DRD3, AIDAinnova) for both bench-top and test-beam qualification of novel silicon pixel detector prototypes. The system is built around a common hardware, firmware and software base shared accross different projects, thereby drastically reducing the development effort and cost. The current...
Central to particle physics experiments using high intensity beams is event selection to allow DAQ systems to cope with high data rates. This is true for the MUonE experiment, both for its final configuration and upcoming test beams. Online track-fitting for event selection will be implemented directly on FPGAs, using High-Level Synthesis to convert C++ code into an HDL description to then run...
Modern pixel detectors are being built to withstand the ever higher collision rates and pile-up of colliders designed to push luminosity and intensity limits. The ITk is a new silicon tracker for the ATLAS experiment designed to increase detector resolution, readout capacity, and radiation hardness, and the five innermost layers will be built of hybrid pixel modules. The material budget of the...
Monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) manufactured in a 65 nm CMOS imaging process are attractive candidates for tracking charged particles at future lepton and electron-ion colliders, as well as for beam telescopes. To investigate this technology and explore the design challenges of porting a hybrid pixel detector architecture into a monolithic chip, the H2M (Hybrid-to-Monolithic) test chip...
In order to cope with the occupancy and radiation doses expected at the High-Luminosity LHC, the ATLAS experiment will replace its Inner Detector with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk), containing pixel and strip subsystems. The strip subsystem will be built from modules, consisting of one or two n+-in-p silicon sensors, one or two PCB hybrids containing the front-end electronics, and one...
The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) will be installed in CERN's recently upgraded T9 “Test Beam” Area in Summer 2024. The upgrade to the East Area, completed in 2022, allows the T9 beamline to reach lower beam momenta than previously possible, now down to ~100MeV/c. The WCTE has three goals: to prototype photosensor and calibration systems for Hyper-Kamiokande, to develop new...
The Mu3e experiment aims to observe charged lepton flavour violation in the form of the $\mu^+\rightarrow e^+ e^- e^+$ decay. The identification of the decay requires precise spatial and timing resolutions. This will be achieved using ultra-thin High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS). This technology combines readout electronics and active detector volume on one sensor, and can...
The new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) detector is an all-silicon tracking detector replacing the currently installed Inner Detector (ID) for the high-luminosity phase of the LHC. The ITk detector design foresees a pixel and a strip sub-detector, both of which are subdivided into a barrel and end-cap sections. Focusing on the strip end-cap sections, the silicon microstrip sensors use a radial strip...
The DESY II Test Beam facility offers electron beams with a user selectable momentum from 1-6 GeV, typically used for detector and sensor characterisation. The facility offers beam telescopes as precise reference tracking systems. These provide a very high spatial resolution. However, their readout time is long relative to the rate of incident electrons. This frequently results in more than...
A multi-TeV muon collider represents an extraordinary opportunity for groundbreaking discoveries and precise Standard Model measurements. By colliding muons, the entire center-of-mass energy becomes available for high-energy reactions, allowing for the exploration of extremely short length scales. Additionally, multi-TeV muons have a high probability of emitting electroweak radiation,...
During test beam data taking, being able to monitor the quality of the incoming data in real time is of crucial importance. Hence, many test beam users implement their own monitoring tools tailored to their needs. One goal of the AIDAinnova project is to develop common test beam infrastructure, including a versatile online monitoring tool capable of reading any data recorded by EUDAQ2, such...
The ALICE ITS3 (Inner Tracking System 3) upgrade project together with the CERN EP R&D on monolithic sensors are exploring the Tower Partner Semiconductor Co. 65 nm ISC process.
The ITS3 project aims to build the first fully cylindrical tracker by using wafer scale, ultra thin (less than 50 μm) bent MAPS with a material budget down to 0.07% radiation length per layer.
Four different pixel...
The ITS3 (Inner Tracking System 3) is a new innovative vertex detector planned to be installed between 2026 and 2028 during the next Long Shutdown 3 to replace the three innermost layers of the current Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at the LHC as from Run4. The detector will consist of wafer-scale ultra-thin silicon Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors sensors bent to...
This work presents significant strides in the fabrication and characterization of LGAD devices, specifically leveraging the innovative AC-Coupled LGAD (AC-LGAD) technology. Building on the expertise gained in controlling the LGAD fabrication process at CNM, our focus has shifted towards highly segmented devices with improved features, including a 100% fill factor and enhanced uniform gain...
After the first year of operation of the second line of the Frascati Beam Test Facility BTF a summary of the performance will be provided.
The diagnostics system and the performances obtained in the two beamlines will be presented and the future activity of the facility will be discussed.
This presentation describes the measurement of the beam composition in one of the experimental halls of CERN, the East Hall. This study was conducted in Autumn 2023 as part of being one of the three winning teams globally for the CERN Beamline For Schools. We have designed an experimental setup using different particle detectors to measure the rate, position, particles, and energy of the...
Our magnetic mangle, a multifunctional variant of the Halbach cylinder designed for 100MeV – 10GeV electron beams, was nominated as one of the winners of the 2023 Beamline for School (BL4S) competition. As a result, we were selected to testing it on the T10 beamline of CERN, Geneva, in September 2023. Analysis of the experimental results shows deflections well within the margin of error of our...
The Circular Electron Positron Collide (CEPC) has been proposed to enable more thorough and precise measurements of the properties of Higgs, W and Z bosons, as well as to search for new physics. In response to the stringent performance presented by the vertex detector for the CEPC, a baseline vertex detector prototype was designed and tested using a 6 GeV electron beam at...
In high-energy physics, there is a need to investigate silicon sensor concepts that offer large-area coverage and cost-efficiency.
Sensors based on CMOS imaging technologies present an alternative silicon sensor concept for particle tracking detectors.
As this technology is a standardised industry process, it can provide a lower sensor production cost and access to fast and large-scale...
The ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) to withstand the harsh operational conditions of the High Luminosity LHC at CERN.
The ITk pixel detector will be located in the innermost part of the ITk. It will be instrumented with different sensor technologies according to the expected total fluence, which ranges up to $1.9 \cdot 10^{16}$...
The expected increase of the particle flux at the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) with instantaneous luminosities up to L ≃ 7.5×1034 cm−2 s-1 will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector performance. The pile-up is expected to increase on average to 200 interactions per bunch crossing. The reconstruction and trigger performance for electrons, photons as well as jets and transverse...
CMOS foundries have recently introduced Single Photon Avalanches Diodes SPADs into process design kits, allowing for easy implementation of monolithic SiPMs with custom designed ASIC. In CMOS SPAD arrays, many features typical of monolithic pixel detectors can be implemented, enriching the capabilities of widely used analog SiPMs. In-pixel digitization, masking, full hitmap readout, and large...
The High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (HV-MAPS) technology, designed for high-rate applications, integrates precise spatial and time resolution by consolidating active detector volume and readout functions into a single chip. The TelePix1, an HV-MAPS test chip, incorporates in-pixel electronics, including an amplifier and a comparator.
This study explores the charge deposition and...
MIMOSIS, a CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS), is currently under development at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Strasbourg, and it will be integrated into the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the upcoming FAIR/GSI experiment, Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM). The primary objective of the MVD is to provide precise particle tracking in a high-density track...
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) have emerged as a promising technology for silicon tracking detectors in particle physics. HV-MAPS, selected as the technology for the Mu3e Pixel Tracker and under investigation for potential implementation in future detector applications, offers good efficiency, position, and time resolution while keeping the material budget minimal. In...
The Micropattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) boast excellent spatial resolution performance. However, they typically exhibit modest time resolution due to fluctuations in the position where ionization occurs within the gas. Picosec addresses this issue by operating based on the amplification, via a Micromegas, of electrons generated by the conversion of Cherenkov light produced from an incident...
DESY operates the 3$^\mathrm{rd}$ generation synchrotron radiation facility PETRA III. The DESY II booster is used to inject electrons into the PETRA storage ring either for the initial fill or top-up operation.
When it is not used for these purposes, DESY II drives three target-based test beams exploiting the pair production principle. The next update of the PETRA storage ring will change...