Ultrahigh vacuum training at CERN for Danish companies. October 5-6, 2023
Welcome and introduction to UHV technology at CERN
o Our mandate
o Our infrastructure and accelerators
o What is vacuum technology at CERN
o Some examplesSpeaker: Paolo Chiggiato (CERN) -
Peculiarities of vacuum technology for accelerators
o Pressure requirements
o Gas sources in accelerators
- Outgassing
- Leakage and inleakage
- Beam induced desorption
- MitigationsSpeaker: Paolo Chiggiato (CERN) -
LHC and HL-LHC; how do we reach the requirements
o The vacuum system of the LHC and its main peculiarities (cryo, NEG, ecloud…)
o Acceptance criteria.
o Impedance constraints: effects and impact on design and operation. Recent experiences.
o HL-LHC and its impact on the LHC vacuum layout; future needs for vacuum componentsSpeaker: Giuseppe Bregliozzi (CERN) -
Coffee break
The Future Circular Collider: vacuum challenges
o What is FCC? Design, planning and schedule.
o Overview of the vacuum system for FCC-ee.
o The main vacuum chamber for FCC-ee and its technological challenges.Speaker: Peter Lindquist Henriksen (CERN) -
Opportunities in Physics Beyond Colliders
o Why physics without collider.
o The main chapters in PBC, planning.
o Opportunities in vacuum technologySpeaker: Sergio Calatroni (CERN) -
Discussion and open questions
Lunch break
General visit at CERN (AD and SC)Speakers: Marton Ady (CERN), Paolo Chiggiato (CERN)
Visit to 113 (main vacuum components and vacuum qualification tests) with coffee break in 30/7-010 113
Mechanical design for vacuum technologies of particle accelerators 30/7-010
o General guideline for mechanical design of vacuum components.
o Stability guidelines.
o Thin wall elements and their characteristics.
o Bellows and their use; recent cases of failure.Speaker: Cedric Garion (CERN) -
o Present application of thin films in CERN’s accelerators.
o Brief introduction of NEG and aC and their ex-situ and in-situ deposition in accelerators.
o Nb coatings for SC-RF. Past examples and present trend.
o BST project as a technological case.Speaker: Guillaume Jonathan Rosaz (CERN) -
Speakers: Mauro Taborelli (CERN), Pedro Costa Pinto (CERN)
Main vacuum components for accelerators and their supply
o Example of vacuum equipment: the HL-LHC beam screen. From design to manufacturing.
o External supply versus internalisation.
o Brief description of purchasing rules at CERN.Speaker: Nicolaas Kos (CERN) -
The vacuum system of the LHC experiments: achievement and challenges for the future
o The complexity of the vacuum system of LHC’s experiments.
o Material, mechanical stability and manufacturing constraints.
o A typical case: production steps, installation and performance of the CMS (or ATLAS) central beampipe
o A special case: the new VAX (few details)
o Present issue with Be pipes manufacturing.Speaker: Josef Sestak (CERN) -
Vacuum for thermal insulation of cryogenic equipment
o Requirements for the insulation vacuum of LHC’s cryostats.
o Vacuum layout: pumping, valves, and monitoring.
o Example of operation: the HIEISOLDE cryostat.Speaker: Dr Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza (CERN) -
Coffee break
Surface finishing treatments at CERN
o Capability of surface finishing at CERN.
o Description of a selected number of processes (Cu electroplating and Cu finishing for SC-RF, or other…).
o A perspective for the future treatments: replacement of chromic acid, plasma cleaning, other examples…)Speaker: Leonel Marques Antunes Ferreira (CERN) -
Surface analysis and properties for CERN’s accelerators
o CERN capability for surface analysis.
o Measurement of surface properties; the case of the SEY.
o Surface cleanliness and its assessment
o Very brief introduction of laser treatmentsSpeaker: Mauro Taborelli (CERN) -
Control and monitoring of large vacuum systems for accelerators
o Typical scheme and an example (ELENA?)
o The radiation resistance of vacuum instrumentation: recent advancement and future perspectives.
o Future needs and trend in vacuum control technology.Speaker: Gregory Pigny (CERN)
Visit to 107 (surface treatment facility at CERN)Speakers: Leonel Marques Antunes Ferreira (CERN), Mauro Taborelli (CERN)