19–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

TGeoArbN - A ROOT compatible triangle mesh geometry implementation

23 Oct 2024, 14:42
Room 1.A (Medium Hall A)

Room 1.A (Medium Hall A)

Talk Track 3 - Offline Computing Parallel (Track 3)


Ben Salisbury (HISKP Bonn)


To increase the automation to convert Computer-Aided-Design detector components as well as entire detector systems into simulatable ROOT geometries, TGeoArbN, a ROOT compatible geometry class, was implemented allowing the use of triangle meshes in VMC-based simulation. To improve simulation speed a partitioning structure in form of an Octree can be utilized. TGeoArbN in combination with a CADToROOT-Converter (based on [1]) allowed e.g. for a high level of automation for the conversion of the forward endcap geometry of the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter.
The aim of the talk is to give an overview on TGeoArbN and the modified CADToROOT-Converter version.

[1] T. Stockmanns, "STEP-to-ROOT – from CAD to Monte Carlo Simulation",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 022050,
url: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/396/2/022050


Ben Salisbury (HISKP Bonn) Dr Christoph Schmidt (HISKP Bonn) Prof. Ulrike Thoma (HISKP Bonn)

Presentation materials