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8–21 Sept 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Exercises 2: Software Security

10 Sept 2024, 17:45
Building 1b SR4a/b (DESY)

Building 1b SR4a/b




Sebastian Lopienski (CERN)


In the practice session, a range of typical security vulnerabilities will be presented. The goal is to learn how they can be exploited (for privilege escalation, data confidentiality compromise etc.), how to correct them, and how to avoid them in the first place! Students will be given small pieces of source code in different programming languages, and will be asked to find vulnerabilities and fix them. The online course documentation will gradually reveal more and more information to help students in this task. Additionally, students will have a chance to try several source code analysis tools, and see how such tools can help them find functionality bugs and security vulnerabilities.

Presentation materials

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