Local Organisers
Judith Katzy I DESY
Physicist at DESY working in the ATLAS experiment at CERN on measurements related to the Higgs Boson and Top Quarks. Application of machine learning algorithm in high energy physics data analysis. Privatdozentin at Humbolt University at Berlin teaching physics, statistical methods and machine learning.
Kerstin Borras I DESY
RWTH Aachen University
Leading Scientist at DESY and Professor for exp. Particle Physics at RWTH Aachen University
Co-Chair of the DESY Quantum Technology Task Force
Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative
Research topics:
Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning for Calorimeter data simulation.
Calorimeter Detector R&D, construction and operation.
Experimental Particle Physics at different colliders: HERA, Tevatron, LHC and HL-LHC.
Dark Matter Searches, soft QCD Phenomenology and measurements.
Thomas Madlener I DESY
Postdoctoral Research fellow in the particle physics department of DESY. He received his PhD in physics from the Technical University Vienna, working on data analysis for CMS. His current research mainly involves the development of common software and tools for planned future particle physics experiments in the Key4hep project. He also spends some of his time in integrating HPC resources for usage by CMS.
Markus Schumacher
Albert-Ludwigs-Unversität Freiburg
Markus is professor for experimental particle physics at the University of Freiburg. In his diploma and Phd theses performed at Bonn University he analyzed data from the OPAL experiment at LEP to search for CP violation and the Higgs boson. As a DESY fellow he has been involved in the TESLA project. Since 2001 he is member of the ATLAS collaboration. His research focus since then is the search for and investigation of Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. When he moved to Freiburg in 2008 his group took over the responsibility to operate a WLCG Tier-2 center and started to get involved in generic R&D for the efficient and sustainable operation of heterogenous federated compute resources.
Behind the scenes:
Sabine Krohn, Birgit Breetzke, Anna Gerhardt
Organisers CERN
Alberto Pace | CERN
Kristina Gunne | CERN
Administrative Manager
Kristina is a member of the CERN IT Innovation section, and joined the CSC team in January 2023 in the role of Administrative Manager. When Kristina came to CERN in 1996 working for the Swedish Science Council (supposedly for 6 months), she became involved in numerous outreach and teaching initiatives which she continued for 7 years. In 2004, she joined the Project Office of the EGEE EC project, dealing with over 90 partners around the world. She was Administrative manager of CERN openlab between 2011 and 2023 and she is now fully committed to openlab summer students, CSC and big events. Kristina studied Communication Science and Social Sciences at Lund University. In her spare time Kristina enjoys taking her e-bike for a ride in the mountains, travelling, cooking and spending time with friends and family.
Andrzej Nowicki | CERN
Technical Manager
Andrzej is a member of the CERN Database Team, specialising in Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. With a passion for solving technical challenges and a commitment to sharing his knowledge of database systems, he makes valuable contributions to the team's objectives. Andrzej began his journey with CERN in 2020 and recently joined the CSC team in 2023. Prior to joining CERN, he gained experience working with various companies, where he actively contributed to numerous IT projects as a database administrator. He holds a MEng from Poznan University of Technology. Outside of his professional pursuits, Andrzej finds joy in exploring the world around him. He nurtures his adventurous spirit by travelling, hiking and skiing.