16–20 Sept 2024
Bat. 100, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Europe/Zurich timezone

Thin-film study of Nb3Sn-AlN-Nb and NbN-AlN-Nb on 3GHz cavity by DC magnetron sputtering.

17 Sept 2024, 17:06
Auditorium Joliot-Curie (Bat. 100, Université Paris-Saclay, France)

Auditorium Joliot-Curie

Bat. 100, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Batiment 100, Orsay Campus
Beyond Nb: Alternate materials and multilayer structures Beyond Nb: Alternate materials and mulilayer structures


Ryo Katamaya (KEK)


We introduced the New DC magnetron sputtering apparatus at KEK to create multi-layer structure on the inner surface of a superconducting radio-frequency cavity. This apparatus has the capability of coating Nb3Sn, NbN, and AlN to the elliptical 3 GHz SRF cavity as well as flat substrates up to 2-inche diameter area. The film formation using the flat sample is useful for searching the ideal condition of film formation with various sputtering parameters. The film-formation test to the flat substrate can be done with changing the temperature of the substrate by heater. Using these functions, we will synthesize Nb3Sn-AlN-Nb and NbN-AlN-Nb structures to flat samples as well as to cavities. In the first stage, we performed the film-formation tests of the Nb and NbN thin-films, and the mixture layer of Nb, Sn and AlN. In addition, we tried to evaluate the sputtering speed and the degree of adhesion on several films of different characteristics. We will report on the film-formation apparatus and the results of several film-formation tests, and will discuss the future plan.

Presentation materials