9–12 Sept 2024
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

Amplitude interpolation with equivariant neural networks

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Lecture Theatre 2, Blackett Laboratory (Imperial College London)

Lecture Theatre 2, Blackett Laboratory

Imperial College London

Poster Social


Víctor Bresó Pla (University of Heidelberg)


We present a detailed comparison of multiple interpolation methods to characterize the amplitude distribution of several Higgs boson production modes at the LHC. Apart from standard interpolation techniques, we develop a new approach based on the use of the Lorentz Geometric Algebra Transformer (L-GATr). L-GATr is an equivariant neural network that is able to encode Lorentz and permutation equivariant operations into a transformer architecture. Thanks to its symmetry awareness and the attention mechanism, we are able to obtain excellent results for the interpolation at tree-level and one-loop, specially at the low sample limit.

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