Sep 9 – 12, 2024
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

PHYSTAT Workshop on "Statistics meets ML" in Particle Physics & Astrophysics

In recent years, ML has become more and more integrated into many stages of our analyses.  In Particle Physics, it includes data collection and processing (triggering, tracking, etc), classification of different particle types, unfolding, parameter determination, anomaly detection, and even end-to-end processing. In astronomy its use is increasingly widespread in areas such as classification of objects, distance determination, and regression problems. It is used theoretically to enhance simulations, and in emulation of theoretical predictions that are expensive to compute. It is also increasingly used in simulation-based inference, both in finding informative summary statistics, and in variational methods of inference.
PHYSTAT’s “Statistics meets Machine Learning” aims to address some of the statistical issues that arise in these applications in Particle Physics and in Astronomy, with participation also of Statistics and Machine Learning experts. These issues are particularly important as the ML approaches tend to outperform traditional ones in terms of precision; the question is whether they are also more accurate. A problem is that in general it is hard to understand the procedure the ML method is adopting to achieve its result.

Some of the topics to be discussed:

  • Uncertainty quantification
  • Interpretable AI
  • Training samples & mismodelling
  • Generative methods
  • Statistical checks

There will be plenty of time for discussion.

The meeting will be hybrid i.e. particpitation either in person or remotely. In both cases, registration is necessary as the zoom link to the meeting will be sent a few days before the meeting only to people who have registered.
In-person registration closed on 9th August.  There was a limit of 110 for the number of in-person participants. Registration for remote participation remains open. Submisson of Abstracts for potential contributed talks/posters is also now closed.

For general enquiries please contact: For questions regarding the content of the workshop, please contact Louis Lyons via:

Local Organising Committee:
Matteo Agostini
Sunita Aubeeluck
Robert Bainbridge (chair)
Jonathon Langford
Louis Lyons (co-chair)
Benedikt Maier
Lucas Makinen
Marvin Pfaff
Nicholas Wardle
Daniel Winterbottom

Scientific Committee:
Pierre Baldi (UC Irvine, ML)
Olaf Behnke (DESY, PP)
Lydia Brenner (NIKHEF, PP)
Patrick Dunne (Imperial, PP)
Alan Heavens (Imperial, AC)
Lukas Heinrich (TUM, PP)
Mikael Kuusela (CMU, Statistics)
Ann Lee (CMU, Statistics)
Louis Lyons (Imperial, PP)
Ben Nachman (LBNL, PP)
Anna Sciafe (Jodrell Bank, AC)
Jesse Thaler (MIT, PP)
Roberto Trotta (Trieste, AC)
Nicholas Wardle (Imperial, PP)

AC: Astro/Cosmo
PP: Particle Physics

Poster PDF


The PHYSTAT series of Workshops started in 2000. They were the first meetings devoted solely to the statistical issues that occur in analyses in Particle Physics and neighbouring fields.The homepage of PHYSTAT with a list of all Workshops, Seminars and Informal Reviews is at .

Imperial College London
Lecture Theatre 2, Blackett Laboratory
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