Lecture week on "Next generation particle detectors"

from Monday, 10 June 2024 (10:50) to Friday, 14 June 2024 (15:00)
Institute for Physics and Technology (IFT), UiB (359)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024
09:30 Quantum Sensing (part 1/2) - Prof. Lasse Vines (UiO)   (359)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Signal Reconstruction Using Modern Electronics (title to be confirmed) - Prof. Peter Fischer (Heidelberg University)   (359)
09:30 Ultra-Fast Timing Detectors - Lorenzo Paolozzi   (359)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 HEP Quo Vadis - Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon (Heidelberg University (DE))   (359)
09:30 Research on Calorimetry for Future Colliders - Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (359)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Liquid Detetors – What it needs for Future Research - Belina von Krosigk   (359)
09:30 Student Reports   (359)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Student Reports   (359)
14:00 Welcome - Dieter Roehrich (University of Bergen (NO))   (359)
14:15 3-D Integration - Technology - Prof. Hoang Vu Nguyen   (359)
15:45 --- Coffee Break ---
16:15 The Trigger Challenge at FCChh - Tracks versus Calo - Andre Schoening (Heidelberg University (DE))   (359)
19:00 --- Welcome Reception ---
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
14:30 3-D Integration - Concepts - Prof. Philipp Haefliger (UiO)   (359)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Quantum Sensing (part 2/2) - Prof. Lasse Vines (UiO)   (359)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
14:30 Hands-on session: FPGA VHDL (part 1/2) - Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO))   (359)
14:30 Hands-on session: Machine Learning (part 1/2) - Alexander Schilling (University of Applied Sciences Worms) Tobias Kortus (Fachhochschule Worms (DE))   (359)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Hands-on session: FPGA VHDL (part 2/2) - Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO))   (359)
16:30 Hands-on session: Machine Learning (part 2/2) - Tobias Kortus (Fachhochschule Worms (DE)) Alexander Schilling (University of Applied Sciences Worms)   (359)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
14:30 The Future of MAPS - Walter Snoeys (CERN)   (359)
16:00 Tour – Van de Graaff accelerator and betatron - Dieter Rohrich (Department of Physics & Technology-University of Bergen)   (359)
19:00 --- Dinner @ https://ulriken643.no/de/skyscraper ---