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HEP/HPC Strategy Meeting - All Regions

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


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Maria Girone (CERN), Tommaso Boccali (INFN Sezione di Pisa)

Meeting to discuss the current status and challenges of HPC integration in all regions. 

There is a google doc for live notes


1 - projects
   a - CERN/WLCG provide a repository where we will ask national/sites/experiments/individuals to put material about
      1 - their attempted / won / rejected allocations in the last 5 years (whenever possible / not under NDA)
      2 - conference notes, about integration attempts
   b - discuss and encourge at the WLCG MB level for the possibility for common projects (regular scale, development)
   c - we still encourage bottom up R&D / exploration initiatives
   d - explore development and benchmarking opportunities with support from HPC sites (for example Epicure)
2 - multi year access (using regular projects + automatic renewal) easier on the EU side than strategic
3 - community access (strategic access) - in EU:
   a - long term allocations remain our ultimate goal; comm. access can be a way but not the only one
       1 - it was explicitly a goal for IRI -- but not atm; putting some pressure there might help
   b - use the FAs as the preferred pressure mechanism, then CERN can pick up (bring to the attention of the RRB)
   b2- use the same mechanism to try and influence the future HPC machines
   c - giving an AI goal helps a lot in increasing the probability
4 - IRI and EuroHPC FP - EFP - (granted to CSC)
   a - we need a direct contact with these, and ways to interact (NOW!)
       1 - understand what is being done now (existing apis, reference science domains)
          a - Liz: no HEP names in IRI? Can we get someone?  Paolo: CCE can ...
       2 - try to enter the set of reference sciences and be able to communicate our needs and influence the process
       3 - SCHEDULES
          a - IRI has real use cases, so have to come to something usable < 2 y (not shorter because it's a volunteer effort)
          b - EFP to be deployed on 9 sites in 1-1.5 y ... need to act soon
              1 - Leonardo, Lumi, Meluxina, ... (most probably the peta-, preexa- and exa-scale sites)
     2 - try to approach these centers where we know them
5 - ESPP document? white paper to be written anyhow and reused for ESPP?
   a - older white paper (Maria et al ...) from 2020 + a draft of a white paper existing
6 - how to incluence future HPC centers?
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.