2012 Michigan REU Student Program - First Meeting

3162/1-K01 (CERN)



Show room on map
Steven Goldfarb (CERN)
First presentations by the REU Summer Students
    • 1
      Opening Remarks
      Speaker: Homer Neal (University of Michigan (US))
    • 2
      Monte Carlo Simulations of Proton-Proton Collisions
      A brief overview of the necessity of the CMS experiment, and the data analysis techniques that are necessary to correctly interpret the results.
      Speaker: Alexandru Bacanu (CERN)
    • 3
      ISF Simulation project
      Speaker: Ryan Badman (Syracuse University)
    • 4
      Measuring the Top Mass in the Semileptonic Channel
      Speaker: Benjamin Burdick
    • 5
      Multi-turn Extraction: Splitting the PS Beam in Phase Space
      Speaker: Christopher Frye
    • 6
      Searching for and Characterizing the Quark-Gluon Plasma in ALICE
      Speaker: John Groh
    • 7
      Event Reconstruction in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
      Speaker: Stephanie Hamilton
    • 8
      Top Reconstruction Techniques in 0-Lepton Direct Stop Searches
      A brief overview of my project dealing with top quark reconstructions from hadronic (3 jet) decays. I will also discuss the importance of this reconstruction algorithm to my working group, SUSY, and the general public.
      Speaker: Anthony Kremin
    • 9
      Analysis Flow at the LHC
      An introduction into the work that I will be doing this summer at CERN explained in parallel with basic steps of carrying out an analysis.
      Speaker: Kristina Krylova
    • 10
      Razor Analysis of R-Parity Conserving SUSY Decays
      Speaker: Ksheerasagar Vijay
    • 11
      ALICE Physics Selection Quality Assurance
      The ALICE experiment uses a low level offline physics selection to check that all events passed by the triggers for saving are operating correctly. The code used for quality assurance has been in constant evolution and needs serious restructuring.
      Speaker: Kevin McDermott
    • 12
      Reconstruction of the Single Top
      Brief introduction to the motivations behind the CMS experiment, and more specifically, looking at the single top quark, produced primarily through electroweak interactions in the t-channel decay at the energies obtained within the LHC detector.
      Speaker: Kelvin Mei
      Slides (PDF Format)
    • 13
      Studies of Same Sign WW Vector Boson Scattering at the ATLAS Experiment
      The SM theory is based on gauge symmetries and it predicts that all particles to be massless without EWSB. We need to figure out the source for the EWSB mechanism studying the backgrounds in these case the W+W+ one.
      Speaker: Ms Diana Paola Perea Palacios
    • 14
      Scintillating Fiber Detector for AEgIS Antihydrogen Trap
      A discussion of the steps in the construction of an annihilation detector, using scintillating fiber, for the AEgIS experiment.
      Speaker: Joseph Redford
    • 15
      Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the H→WW(∗)→lnulnu decay mode for the ATLAS Experiment
      Speaker: Victor Rodriguez
    • 16
      A Study of Lambda - Lambda Bar Correlations
      Speaker: Cheryl Theroux