- Markus Friedl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
Niklaus Berger
(Uni Heidelberg)
14/02/2013, 14:00
The Mu3e experiment searches for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→e+e-e+, aiming for a branching fraction sensitivity of 10-16. This requires an excellent momentum resolution for low energy electrons, high rate capability and a large acceptance. In order to minimize multiple scattering, the amount of material has to be as small as possible. These challenges can be met with a tracker built...
Jerome Baudot
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
14/02/2013, 14:25
CMOS pixel sensors (CPS) with a column parallel read-out architecture and developed in a 0.35 um technology have already met the requirements of several high energy projects (EUDET, STAR-HFT, ILC) where spatial resolution and material budget govern the specifications. The full potential of CPS is however not yet reached, and can answer the demand of future vertex detectors (ALICE, SuperB, eIC)...
Toshinobu Miyoshi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
14/02/2013, 14:50
Truly monolithic pixel detectors were fabricated with 0.2 um SOI pixel process technology by collaborating with LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. for particle tracking experiment, X-ray imaging and medical application. CMOS circuits were fabricated on a thin SOI layer and connected to diodes formed on the silicon handle wafer through the buried oxide layer. We can choose the handle wafer and...
erik ramberg
14/02/2013, 15:15
For several years, Fermilab has been heavily involved in the development of novel 3-dimensional analog and digital ASIC circuits. These devices consist of thinned wafer layers with circuits bonded to each other to act as monolithic forms. Communication between the layers and across the stacks is achieved with micron-size through-silicon-vias. Enabling a new dimension in integrated circuits...
Gianluca Traversi
(University of Bergamo)
14/02/2013, 16:30
This work presents the characterization of Deep N-Well (DNW) active pixel sensors fabricated in a vertically integrated technology. The DNW approach takes advantage of the triple well structure to lay out a sensor with relatively large charge collecting area (as compared to standard three transistor MAPS), while the readout is performed by a classical signal processing chain for capacitive...
Lawrence Pinsky
(University of Houston (US))
14/02/2013, 17:20
A talk was given at the last VCI demonstrating the capabilities of the pixel detector technology developed by the CERN-based Medipix2 Collaboration and outlining the plans to develop dosimeters and radiation area monitors for use in characterizing space radiation. In the interim, a number of devices have been sent to the International Space Station and are being used to obtain operating these...
Andrea Ventura
(Univ. + INFN)
14/02/2013, 17:45
The ATLAS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) deploys three-levels processing scheme for the trigger system. The level-1 muon trigger system gets its input from fast muon trigger detectors. Fast sector logic boards select muon candidates, which are passed via an interface board to the central trigger processor and then to the High Level Trigger (HLT). The muon HLT is purely...