The first Workshop for Science and Business on Advanced Materials and Surfaces includes a matchmaking event in which entrepreneurs and researchers can meet and discuss R&D opportunities.
The matchmaking event is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rhône-Alpes, member of Enterprise Europe Network.
You are invited to take part in face-to-face meetings and find new business partners.
All you need to do is fill in the Technology Profile Form with the description of your project, technology offer, know how, request. The completed form should then be submitted via email to
You can submit more than one profile. Profiles can be anonymous.
A catalogue of the profiles will be published and sent to all participants to the matchmaking event.
You can then select the meetings corresponding to the interested profiles and receive within days a personalised schedule.
All meetings will take place in the afternoon of the 20 November.
Need help with writing Technology profiles and identifying the business opportunities more suitable for you? EEN experts can help.
Contact: Etienne FAYOLLE
Tel.: +33 4 72 11 43 07