Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Complex 3D shaped oxide thin films
Organisation details: 3D-Oxides is a French company which develops disruptive multi-functional oxide thin films materials.
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Company
Know-how offer: Finite element model of soft tissue sandwich from artery to skin
Technology request: Looking for an electro-optical non-contact method for heart beat monitoring
Organisation details: AL.MEC is proposing a finite element model of soft tissues from the radial artery wall to the surface layer of skin on the inside of wrist (soft tissue sandwich).
Country: Switzerland
Organisation type: Company
Technology request: Looking for Technology Support in HV Ceramic Insulators, SEEY-reducing coatings, NEG coatings, or HV Stability
Organisation details: Swiss company developing x-ray tubes to be used in Non-Destructive testing.
Country: Switzerland
Organisation type: Company
Technology request: Looking for innovative material/material production technologies/also tools-related
Organisation details: Swiss company actively scouting for innovative techniques to be applied to the watchmaking industry.
Alliance Concept
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Physical Vapor Deposition(PVD) thin films system developer
Organisation details: Alliance Concept is specialized in PVD systems manufacturing including magnetron sputtering and evaporation
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Company
Know-how offer/ Technology Request: Finite element model of soft tissue sandwich from artery to skin
Organisation details: AL.MEC is proposing a finite element model of soft tissues from the radial artery wall to the surface layer of skin on the inside of wrist
Country: SPAIN
Organisation type: Company
Organisation details: Arraela S.L. is a company dedicated to the development of materials and its implementation engineering. Working areas of the company are: RADIOLOGICAL SHIELDING, THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE, MARINE CONCRETE AND ELECTROMAGNETIC AND THERMAL SHIELDING.
Carnot MICA
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Research Organisation
Technology & Know-How offer: Elaboration of materials with innovative properties
Organisation details: CARNOT MICA is about 600 researchers and technical staff as well as about 400 temporary employees (mainly PhD students and post-doc).
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Research Organisation
Know-How offer: Consulting and tests for material choices, Engineering of endurance tests, R&D and Projects
Organisation details: CETIM CERMAT is a technical center specialized in the field of expertise, measurement and testing
Cryogenic Engineering & Materials Expertise (CEME)
Country: GERMANY
Organisation type: Company
Know-how offer: Materials characterization at cryogenic temperatures
Organisation details: CEME is a German company which has set up a device which allow the characterization of materials with respect to tensile, fracture toughness, and fatigue crack growth rate between ambient temperature and down to 4 K (-269 °C).
Crystal Innov
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Research Organisation
Know-how offer: Technology center for innovation in crystal growth and preparation
Organisation details: Crystal Innov is a regional technology platform in crystal growth
Organisation type: Company
Know-how offer: Advanced materials characterization using state-of-the-art microscopy and XRD techniques focusing on the relationship between micro-structural and mechanical properties
Organisation details: CSEM is an RTO (Research Technology Organization).
Danish Technological Institute
Country: DENMARK
Organisation type: Research center
Technology offer: Materials testing and development laboratory seeking partners in research and industrial applications in materials science and coating development
Organisation details: The Danish Technological Institute develops research and technology projects such as Innovative industrial coatings and R&D in metal/composite development.
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Organisation type: Research organization
Technology offer: Innovative chemical etching of multilayered printed circuits
Technology offer: Innovative Metal Matrix Composites (MMC) with high thermal and electric conductivity
Technology offer: Nano-structured target for radioisotope production
Know-how offer: Consultancy in material selection, development and characterization
Technology & know-how offer: Device for gas absorption in vacuum chambers: Non Evaporable Getter (NEG) & Palladium thin film coatings
Technology & know-how offer: Magnetic process to reduce an electronic noise in radiofrequency devices
Technology & know-how offer: Titanium electropolishing process with low electrical consumption and high surface smoothness
Technology request: Low: Z materials for UHV chambers
Technology request: Materials for beam intercepting devices
Technology request: Obtaining thin, leak-tight Al alloy shells and joining techniques for UHV chambers
Technology & Know-how offer: Design of high transparency beam pipe supports for LHCb
Know-how offer: Material and fabrication challenges of superconducting accelerating cavities
Know-how offer: Experimental study and constitutive modeling of discontinuous plastic flow in austenitic steels at very low temperature
Know-how offer & request: Microscopic investigations of materials
Technology & know-how offer: Development of novel aluminum-based stabilizer solutions for superconducting cables, applicable to future detector magnets
Technology & know-how offer: HiRadMat facility for material analysis
European Space Agency (ESA)
Organisation type: Research Organisation
Technology offer: Method and apparatus for testing materials
Technology offer: New Antistatic Paints providing Antistatic Protection and Radiotransparancy
Technology offer: POLYMET – advanced materials
Technology offer: Friction Reduction by DICRONITE® Dry Lubrication Technique
Technology offer: Elastomers to Protect Devices from Pyrotechnical Shocks
Technology offer: Super Plastic Forming (SPF) combined with Diffusion Bonding
Technology offer: Hall Effect Plasma Sources for Etching and Coating
Technology offer: Advanced Materials & Ceramic Matrix Composites
Technology offer: Cesic : Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Silicon Carbide – Light-Weight Mirror Technology
Technology offer: Ascertaining surface hygiene: fast and easy
Technology offer: Silicon Carbide (SiC) deposition by PECVD technique
Technology offer: SL-MMC – Self Lubricating Metal Matrix Composite for bearings and electrical slip-rings
Technology offer: Radiation shielding using micro cavities filled with highly pressurized gas
Technology offer: Nanotechnology and Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
Technology offer: SILICA-BASED AEROGEL
Technology offer: High performing and cost effective insulation material
Technology offer: Ultra Low Friction Films of MoS2
Technology offer: Method and means for connecting thin metal layers
Technology offer: Method and apparatus for combinatorial alloy discovery and development using high energy electron beams.
Technology offer: Method and system for production and additive manufacturing of metals and alloys
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Organisation type: Research Organisation
Technology & Know-How offer: Synchrotron X-ray facilities and scientific support for industrial materials characterization
Organisation details: The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) is the most powerful synchrotron radiation source in Europe.
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Thin film imbedded nanoparticles obtained in large size vacuum deposition systems
Organisation details: HEF IREIS is a French Group specialized in surface engineering, and developed thin film using large industrial deposition equipment. IREIS study surface properties and improve them by adding new features and develop industrial solutions.
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Company
Technology request: Tactical shelter material developer looking for industrial and scientific partners
Organisation details: The company developed a novel proprietary design for tactical shelter structures already in use in the city of Milan and currently based on composite material.
Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
Organisation type: Research center
Technology offer: Neutron reflectometry technique to determine the surface properties of complex liquid mixtures
Technology offer: Role of neutrons to determine the structure of complex material under deformation
Technology offer: Neutron Powder Diffraction
Organisation details: Institut Laue-Langevin is a French institute which has developed a technique called neutron reflectometry that can be used to measure the structure and composition of surface layers.
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Research organisation
Technology offer: Photochromic materials for adaptable optical metrology
Technology offer: Holographic Optical Elements for astronomical instrumentation: materials improvements
Organisation details: The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (National Institute for Astrophysics), or INAF for short, is the most important Italian institution conducting scientific research in astronomy and astrophysics
Institut des Microtechnologies Appliquées Arc, Haute Ecole-Arc Ingénierie
Organisation type: Research center
Technology offer: MeV ions for materials surface characterization and large area micro and nanostructuring.
Organisation details: Ionlab-Arc is a research group part of Institut des Microtechnologies Appliquées Arc.
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
Country: ISRAEL
Organisation type: Research organisation
Technology offer & request: Advanced Materials & Surface for Aerospace and Electronics Industry.
Organisation details: IAI is a leading Aerospace & Electronics company with a wide range of products and services, ranging from Aircraft conversion to Radars, UAV systems, Avionics, Communication, Optics and Satellites manufacture
LS Instruments AG
Organisation type: Company
Technology & Know-How offer: Dynamic and Static Light Scattering Technologies Offer.
Organisation details: LS Instruments offers high-end custom solution in the field of light scattering.
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
Country: ROMANIA
Organisation type: Research center
Technology offer: Combined Magnetron Sputtering and Ion Implantation technology
Technology offer: Nanostructured thin film preparation using thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) technology
Technology offer: Advanced X-ray imaging for composite and superconducting materials and structures
Organisation details: The National Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics (INFLPR) is a research institution which develops technologies related to laser, plasma, and radiation physics.
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Carbon based technopolimers for special applications
Organisation details: NTET has developed in the last 3 years a specific experience in designing composite materials for the automotive sector.
Country: ITALY
Organisation type: Research organization
Know-how & Technology offer: Glasses, Ceramics and Composites (GLANCE)
Organisation details: Politecnico di Torino provides since 1906 education and research in engineering, with particular attention and links to their application in industry.
Ray Techniques Ltd.
Country: ISRAEL
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Nanodiamonds powder of high purity and wide range of its applications
Organisation details: Ray Techniques Ltd. is an Israeli company engaged in the fabrication of nanodiamonds and nanodiamond compounds by proprietary technology and in the development of novel nanodiamond applications.
RX Solutions
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: X-Ray non destructive testing specialist (Digital Radioscopy and 3D CT Scan)
Organisation details: RX Solutions is a manufacturer of automated X-Ray imaging equipment and offers engineering services in radioscopy and 3D CT Scan.
SAMES Technologies
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: New surface deposition method - electrostatic pulverization
Organisation details: SAMES Technologies is a manufacturer of equipment for electrostatic pulverization. Our products are used mainly in the automotive market (paint). SAMES Technologies equips production lines for car manufacturers all over the world.
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Technology offer: Structured and functionnalised materials
Organisation details: SILSEF is a technology start-up established in 2010 on the French side of Geneva to provide a commercial source of nano-structured and functionalized materials. SILSEF manufactures micro and nano-objects such as circuits for microelectronics, optics or microfluidics.
VENETIX Advanced Materials
Country: FRANCE
Organisation type: Company
Organisation details: VENETIX ADVANCED MATERIALS is specialized in research & development in the production and sale of innovative materials and shearing tools
*** Please find here the complete Technology Profiles Catalog. ***