The EIROforum School of Instrumentation (ESI) is a biennial event, jointly organized by the Instrumentation Working Group of the EIROforum organizations.
The objective of ESI is to teach detector physics and the basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) and engineers, mainly from the EIRO organizations. A fraction of the places will be reserved for particularly talented (PhD) students from outside the EIRO organizations who work on instrumentation topics.
The third school (ESI 2013) is held at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, 27 - 31 May 2013.
The scientific programme of ESI addresses all aspects of instrumentation related to the missions of the EIROforum organizations.
Apart from the core programme, this third edition of the school will cover "from basic research to industrial applications" as highlight topic. A visit program (1/2 day) of CERN accelerator and experimental facilities is also foreseen.
Information on previous schools can be found below:
Information on previous schools can be found below:
- ESI 2011: 15-22 May 2011, ILL and ESRF (Grenoble, France)
- ESI 2009: 11-15 May 2009, CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
The following companies/partners are sponsoring the EIROforum School: