1st Summer School on INtelligent Signal Processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

from Tuesday 9 July 2013 (17:00) to Tuesday 16 July 2013 (19:00)
University of Oxford, UK

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Jul 2013
10 Jul 2013
11 Jul 2013
12 Jul 2013
13 Jul 2013
14 Jul 2013
15 Jul 2013
16 Jul 2013
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
08:50 WELCOME on behalf of the Astrophysics Department - Prof. Patrick Roche   ()
09:00 Introductory lecture to the school: Detectors and Electronics for 21st century Instrumentation: What have we learnt? Where should we focus? - Prof. Philip Patrick Allport (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Advanced CMOS Technologies: current trends and future prospects - Dr Alessandro Marchioro (CERN)   ()
08:30 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
09:00 Intelligent PMTs versus SiPMs - Dr Veronique Puill (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire, Orsay, France)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 SiPM used as PMT devices for ionized particle detection and new trends on related pixel technology, signal processing issues and applications - Prof. Valeri Saveliev (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science)   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
09:00 Introduction to the use of microstrip and pixel based devices & corresponding main challenges to be confronted by their associated Front-End Electronics - Dr Cinzia Da Via' (Manchester University, UK)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Micro-strip based detection systems: advances and new technological developments - Prof. Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
09:00 Intelligent Front-End for pixel-based instruments: Front-End and novel ideas - Dr Lodovico Ratti (University of Pavia)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Intelligent Front-End for pixel-based instruments: digital processing of the pixel matrix part - Dr Alessandro Gabrielli (Universita di Bologna e INFN (IT))   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
09:45 Challenges and opportunities of massive parallelism - Dr Stef Salvini (University of Oxford)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 The challenges of real-time processing on detector in Astro & HEP worlds in the 21st century - Dr Kris Zarb-Adami (Oxford) Prof. Dave Newbold (Bristol University & RAL)   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
09:00 Optical wireless for data transmission - Prof. Ernesto Ciaramella (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, IT)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 The interconnected world: needs in Astrophysics - Prof. Michael Jones (Oxford)   ()
11:30 Real-time data signal detection for pulsars and radio transients using GPUs - Dr Wes Armour (University of Oxford)   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast, coffee ---
08:45 Test bench: specificities and evolution for the HEP and the Astrophysics Fields - Dr Ingrid Gregor (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Dr Richard White (University of Leeds)   ()
10:15 Molecular Imaging Modalities & Technologies: Lecture3 - Prof. Craig Levin (Stanford University School of Medicine (USA))   ()
11:15 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Test automation of 3D integrated system - Dr Stephen Pateras (Mentor Graphics' Silicon Test Solution (USA))   ()
Registration and reception (until 19:00) (Martin Wood Lecture Theatre Foyer)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
16:15 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 The 3D technology or towards full integration - Dr Robert Patti (Tezzaron, SA, USA)   ()
20:00 OUTREACH EVENT & PUBLIC LECTURE: "Future trends in Medical Imaging" - Prof. David Townsend (Clinical Imaging Research Center, Singapore)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Parallel Session (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Technologies for the Cerenkov Array (CTA) experiment - Prof. Jim Hinton (University of Leicester (UK))   ()
15:30 Applications of the SiPMs technology - Prof. Massimo Caccia (University of Insubria (IT))   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Philips Digital Photon Counter, Applications to High Energy, Astrophysics and Medical Physics - Dr York Haemish (Philips Digital Photon Counting, Philips Group of Innovation)   ()
20:00 OUTREACH EVENT & PUBLIC LECTURE: The after-Higgs discovery: vision on the Particle Physics strategy - Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University) Prof. Gigi Rolandi (CERN & Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Parallel Session (until 16:00) ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Intelligent Signal Front-End Processing for micro-strip based instruments including triggering capability - Prof. Anders Ryd (Cornell University (US))   ()
18:30 RACE: Mens sana in corpore sano - ALL runners in the INFIERI 2013 School did it, see the details in the attached "lecture"   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Parallel Session (until 16:00) ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 Semiconductor detector technology for medical and scientific imaging: quantum processing and Medipix developments in particular - Dr Erik Heijne (CERN and NIKHEF)   ()
19:30 The School Banquet at EXETER COLLEGE   ()
12:00 Molecular Imaging Modalities & Technologies: Lecture 1 - Prof. Craig Levin (Stanford University School of Medicine (USA))   ()
13:00 --- FREE AFTERNOON ---
12:00 Molecular Imaging Modalities & Technologies: Lecture 2 - Prof. Craig Levin (Stanford University School of Medicine (USA))   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Parallel Session (until 16:00) ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 New trends in the High Tech world from INTEL - Dr Leonardo Borges (INTEL (Houston, USA))   ()
20:00 OUTREACH EVENT & PUBLIC LECTURE: Astronomy in 2033 : What we will (and won't) know about the Universe - Dr Chris Lintott (University of Oxford)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Poster session (until 16:00) ()
14:00 Developing Homodyne Interferometers for Space Applications - Ms Miranda Bradshaw (University of Birmingham)   ()
14:10 Instrumentation of a Level-1 Track Trigger in the ATLAS detector for the High Luminosity LHC - Dr Francesca Pastore (Royal Holloway, University of London)   ()
14:20 TORCH: a Novel Cherenkov Detector for LHCb - Maarten Van Dijk (CERN)   ()
14:30 FPGA-Based L1 Pixel Trigger - Tales R.S. Santini (USP-Sao Paulo, Brazil)   ()
14:40 Development of Compton Camera Prototype for Hadrontherapy Monitoring and Medical Imaging - Jean Louis Ley (IPNL-CNRS, Lyon, France )   ()
14:50 CMS Binary Chip 2: Tracker readout with trigger primitives for the HL-LHC - Davide Braga (FERMILAB)   ()
15:00 Development of High Rate Proton Range Radiography for Quality Insurance in Hadrontherapy - Robert Kieffer (University of London (GB))   ()
15:10 Simulations of the SST-GATE Optical performance - Cameron Rulten (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, France)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
FAREWELL PARTY and PHOTOS (until 18:00) ()