16–18 Apr 2008
NIKHEF, Amsterdam
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration is open

Tentative Programme

Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (RD-51) Workshop
Nikhef, Amsterdam, April 16-18 2008
Tentative Programme (subject to changes)
Wednesday 16th of April
 9.00 - 10.30 New technologies
 9.00 Welcome and opening - Frank Linde (Nikhef); Leszek Ropelewski (CERN) (10 min.)
 9.10 Tribute to Vincent Lepeltier - Paul Colas (Saclay) (10 min.)
 9.20 Gaseous Detectors 1908-2008: One century of success and disappointments – Fabio Sauli (TERA Foundation and CERN) (30 min. invited)
 9.50 Results from InGrid detectors – Lucie de Nooij (Nikhef) (20 min.)
10.10 Recent advances in THGEM detectors – Amos Breskin (Weizmann Inst.) (20 min.)
10.30 – 10.50 Coffee break
10.50 – 12.30 New technologies
10.50 Micromegas – Ioannis Giomataris (Saclay) (30 min. invited)
11.20 Large GEM detectors development – Serge Duarte Pinto (CERN) (20 min.)
11.40 Latest achievements in developments of large-area screen printed resistive GEMs – Vladimir Peskov (CERN) (20 min.)
12.00 Ion back flow reduction in GEM-like cascades operating in HpXe  – Joao Veloso (Univ. of Coimbra) (20 min.)
12.20 Efficient ion blocking in patterned hole-multipliers and its application to visible-sensitive gas-avalanche photomultipliers – Amos Breskin (Weizmann Inst.) (20 min.)
12.40 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 New technologies
14.00 Radiation detectors made by post-processing standard CMOS: a technologist's perspective – Jurriaan Schmitz (Univ. of Twente/MESA+) (30 min. invited)
14.30 InGrid: the integration of a grid onto a pixel anode by means of Wafer Post Processing technology - Victor Blanco Carballo (Univ. of Twente/MESA+) (20 min.)
14.50 Track properties recorded by a GEM TimePix -  Andreas Bamberger (Freiburg Univ.) (20 min.)
15.10 First results from a prototype TPC with GEM and TimePix at Bonn – Jochen Kaminski (Bonn Univ.) (20 min.)
15.30 PIM: a multi-stage device using micromeshes for tracking particles – Jerome Beucher (SUBATECH/CEA/IRFU/SPP) (20 min.)
15.50 – 16.20 Coffee break
16.20 – 18.20 Electronics
16.20 TimePix – Michael Campbell (CERN) (20 min.)
16.40 Gossipo-2: testing new concept for TDC-per-pixel – Vladimir Gromov (Nikhef) (20 min.)
17.00 TimePix-2: a new and fast general purpose MPGD readout pixel chip -  Jan Timmermans (Nikhef) (20 min.)
17.20 The protection of CMOS pixel chips against discharges in MPGDs – Martin Fransen (Nikhef) (20 min.)
17.40 VFAT and portable readout – Paul Aspell (CERN) (20 min.)
18.00 New DAQ structures for sensor (pixel) chips for Super LHC experiments - Ruud Kluit (Nikhef) (20 min.)
Thursday 17th of April
 9.00 – 9.40 Irradiation facilities and ageing
 9.00 Irradiation facilities at CERN – Mar Capeans (CERN) (20 min.)
 9.20 Ageing studies for MPGDs – Fred Hartjes (Nikhef) (20 min.)
 9.40 – 10.30 Relations with industry
 9.40 GEM development with Tech-Etch for future detector applications – Frank Simon (MPI Munich) (20 min.)
10.00 Techtra – Maciej Chorowski (Wroclaw Technology Park) (10 min.)
10.10 PANalytical - Klaus Bethke (PANAlytical) (20 min.)
10.30 – 10.50 Coffee break
10.50 – 12.50 Data analysis, simulations and software
10.50 Microscoping tracking - Rob Veenhof (CERN) (20 min.)
11.10 Energy resolution and ion backflow in InGrid – Max Chefdeville (Nikhef) (20 min.)
11.30 Charge distribution, signal development – Paul Colas (Saclay) (20 min.)
11.50 Field solver and its possible application in the simulation of MPGDs - Supratik Mukhopahayay (Saha Inst.) (20 min.)
12.10 Penning effect on gas amplification factor - Ozkan Sahin (Uludag Univ.) (20 min.)
12.30 G4 simulation of gas detectors - Alain Bellerive (Carleton Univ.) (20 min.)
12.50 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 RD-51 organization (open status reports presentations)
14.00 Conveners report - Leszek Ropelewski (CERN) (20 min.)
14.20 Proposal presentation - Maxim Titov (Saclay) (30 min.)
14.50 MoU presentation - Hans Taureg (CERN) (20 min.)
15.10 Technology transfer - Bernard Denis (CERN) (20 min.)
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 18.30 RD-51 organization (closed discussion – Institute representatives)
16.00 Formation of Collaboration (list of Institutes, Collaboration Board, CB chairperson) (30 min.)
16.30 Spokesman election (30 min.)
17.00 Working groups and coordinators (30 min.)
17.30 Steering Committee (10 min.)
17.40 Publication policy (10 min.)
17.50 Common fund (10 min.)
18.00 Intellectual property and relations with industry (30 min.)
20.00 Workshop Dinner

Friday 18th of April
9.00-10.40 MPGD applications
 9.00 MPGD-based photon detectors for Cherenkov imaging counters – Fulvio Tessarotto (INFN Trieste) (20 min.)
 9.20 Micromegas for rare events searches – Igor Irastorza (Univ. of Zaragoza) (20 min.)
 9.40 Gas Pixel transition radiation tracker– Anatoli Romaniouk (CERN/MEPHI) (20 min.)
10.00 Micromegas for ATLAS upgrade – Paolo Iengo (CERN) (20 min.)
10.20 GEM detectors for digital hadron calorimetry – Andy White (Univ. of Texas Arlington) (20 min.)
10.40 GEMs for tracking in JLab – Evaristo Cisbani (INFN Rome) (10 min.)
10.50 – 11.10 Coffee break
11.10 – 13.00 MPGD applications
11.10 SiProt technology – Nicolas Wyrsch (IMT/Univ. of Neuchatel) (20 min.)
11.40 TPC prototype for ILC – Klaus Dehmelt (DESY) (20 min.)
12.00 R&D of gating GEM – Akira Sugiyama (Saga Univ.) (20 min.)
12.20 Resistive anode readout - Stephen Turnbull (Saclay) (20 min.)
12.40 Scintillation readout from micropatterned electron multipliers for dual-phase dark matter detectors – Joaquim Dos Santos (Univ. of Coimbra) (20 min.)
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch