The workshop builds bridges between computer science, experimental and theoretical physics in three topical areas.
Although mainly focusing on high-energy physics, talks related to nuclear physics, astrophysics, laser and condensed matter physics, earth physics, biophysics and other physics sciences, are most welcome.
Plenary talks are for 30 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Parallel talks are for 20 minutes with 5 additional minutes for questions.
There will also be a poster session. The recommended format of the posters is A0. The board size is 125cm (w) x 185cm (h).
Poster to board number assignment table: PDF
Computing Technology for Physics Research
- Languages, Software quality, IDE and User Interfaces
- Languages (new C++ standard, Java, ...)
- Software quality assurance; code reflection; documentation, performance and debugging tools
- IDE and frameworks
- User Interfaces, Common Libraries.
- Distributed and Parallel Computing
- Multilevel parallelism
- Distributed computing
- GRID and Cloud computing
- New architectures, many and multi-cores
- Many-core
- Accelerator-based computing (GPU, etc)
- High precision computing (hardware)
- Virtualisation
- Online Computing
- Advanced Monitoring, Diagnostics and Control
- Scalable distributed data collectors
- High Level Triggering (HLT)
- Stream event processing & High Throughput Computing (HTC)
- Languages, Software quality, IDE and User Interfaces
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks and Other Pattern Recognition Techniques
- Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
- Automation of Science: Data to formula
- Advanced Data Analysis Environments
- Statistical Methods, Multivariate analysis
- Data mining
- Simulation, Reconstruction and Visualisation Techniques
- Detector and Accelerator Simulations, MC and fast MC
- Reconstruction Algorithms
- Visualization Techniques; event displays
- Advanced Computing
- Quantum Computing
- Bio Computing: life process simulation, brain simulation, Quantum biology
- Machine Learning
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
- Automatic Systems
- Automatic Computation Systems: from Processes to Event Generators
- Multi-dimensional Integration and Event Generators
- Intensive High Precision Numerical Computations: Algorithms and Systems
- Higher orders
- One-loop event generators
- Multi-loop Calculations and Higher Order Corrections
- Computer Algebra Techniques and Applications
- Computational physics, Theoretical and simulation aspects
- Lattice QCD,
- Cosmology, Universe Large Scale Structure, Gravitational waves
- Nuclear physics N-body computation,
- Plasma physics,
- Earth Physics, climate, earthquakes
- Automatic Systems