- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The ACAT workshop series, formerly known as AIHENP (Artificial Intelligence in High Energy and Nuclear Physics), was created back in 1990. Its main purpose is to gather three different communities: experimental and theoretical researchers as well as computer scientists to critically analyze past achievements and to propose new or advanced techniques to building better computing tools to boost scientific research, in particular in physics.
In the past, it has established bridges between physics and computer science research, facilitating advances in our understanding of the Universe at its smallest and largest scales. With the Large Hadron Collider, FAIR, eRHIC, EIC, the future International Linear Collider and the many astronomy and astrophysics experiments collecting larger and larger amounts of data, deep communication and cooperation are needed now more than ever.
The 16th edition of ACAT will explore the boundaries of computing system architectures, data analysis algorithmics, automatic calculations as well as theoretical calculation technologies. It will create a forum for confronting and exchanging ideas among these fields and will explore and promote new approaches in computing technologies for scientific research.
Although mainly focusing on high-energy physics, talks related to nuclear physics, astrophysics, laser and condensed matter physics, earth physics, biophysics, and others, are most welcome.
roundtable discussion
- HEP computing has been innovative in several areas and “reinvented the
wheel” in others
Our record of collaboration with others fields outside and of
rationalisation of effort inside leaves room for improvement
New architectures have to be exploited, but this makes software harder to
write & maintain, more collaboration is desirable / unavoidable
What to do to
o improve collaboration within HEP?
o extend collaboration outside HEP?
o break isolation?
o involve ACAT in this process?
o build links between ACAT and the Software Initiative discussed at CERN
in Spring?
o effective collaborate with industry?