The conference fee is 11 500 CZK and covers conference organization cost, welcome reception, coffee breaks, four lunches, conference banquet and cultural event. If you register and pay before 1st of July 2014 there is an Early Bird Discount, so that the conference fee amounts to 10 000 CZK. On-site registration fee (from 1 September 2014) is 13 000 CZK. Accompanying person fee is 5 000 CZK and includes welcome reception, conference banquet and cultural event. Cancellation before end for early registration deadline – full refund minus administration fee. Cancellation between 1 July and 15 August – 50% refund. No refund for cancellation after 15 August. You have the option to pay by credit card or direct debit via PayPal - this does not require a PayPal account. Alternatively you may pay via bank transfer as follows: Bank: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic IBAN: CZ3127000000002106535627 SWIFT (BIC): BACXCZPP Name of beneficiary: Fyzikalni ustav AV CR, v.v.i. Address: Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic Vat ID: CZ68378271 Please mark the transfer in any case with the keyword „ACAT“ and attendee's name(s).
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