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H1 Collaboration Meeting - Liverpool

Room 337, Oliver Lodge (University of Liverpool)

Room 337, Oliver Lodge

University of Liverpool

Girish Patel (University of Liverpool (GB))

The external H1 Collaboration meeting of 2013 will take place at the University of Liverpool. Arrival will be on Tuesday 10th September and two and half days of sessions will start on Wednesday 11th September. Departure in the afternoon on Friday 13th September

Please use the registration link to indicate your intention to attend.

The "Local Information" link has information on travel and accommodation.

Registration will be open from 1st July 2013

  • Alexander Bylinkin
  • Armen Buniatyan
  • Bogdan Lobodzinski
  • Boris Pokorny
  • Cristinel Diaconu
  • Daniel Britzger
  • David Sankey
  • Eberhard Wuensch
  • Elena Bystritskaya
  • Eram Syed Rizvi
  • Girish Patel
  • Guenter Grindhammer
  • Jan Hladky
  • Jan Kretzschmar
  • jan olsson
  • Karel Cerny
  • Karin Daum
  • Max Klein
  • Michel Sauter
  • Nelli Gogitidze
  • Paul James Laycock
  • Pawel Sopicki
  • Radek Zlebcik
  • Robert Henderson
  • Stefan Schmitt
  • Stephen John Maxfield
  • Tomas Hreus
  • Vladimir Chekelian
  • Voica Ana Maria Radescu
  • Zhiqing Zhang
    • 1
      Welcome Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Prof. Timothy John Greenshaw (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 2
      FNC elastic rho Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Iakov Vazdik (Lebedev Physical Institute)
    • 3
      FNC Pt spectra Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Vitaliy Dodonov (DESY)
    • 10:30
      Tea/Coffee Break Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 4
      VFPS Di-jets Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Mr Radek Zlebcik (Charles University (CZ))
    • 5
      LRG Di-jets Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Boris Pokorny (C)
    • 6
      Jets at High Q2 Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Mr Daniel Britzger (DESY)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 7
      D* in Diffraction Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Karel Cerny (Charles University (CZ))
    • 8
      Strangeness at low Q2 Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 9
      Instantons Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Pawel Sopicki (I)
    • 16:00
      Tea/Coffee Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 10
      F2D4 with VFPS Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Tomas Hreus (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
    • 11
      F2D3 Combination Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Richard Polifka (Charles University in Prague)
    • 12
      Report of the Spokesman Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Stefan Schmitt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 13
      Report of the s/w Coordinator Deputy Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Bogdan Lobodzinski (DESY)
    • 14
      A study on the extraction of a LO gluon density at small x from J/psi photo-production data. Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Michel Sauter
    • 15
      Theoretical Aspects of J/psi photo-production Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Stephen Jones (T)
    • 10:40
      Tea/Coffee Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 16
      Summary on H1-ZEUS Activities Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Mr Daniel Britzger (DESY)
    • 17
      FL @ high Q2 - T0 Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Vladimir Chekelian (MPI fuer Physik)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

    • 18
      Particle Spectra @ low Ep Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Alexander Bylinkin (ITEP)
    • 19
      c,b --> eX in DIS Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speakers: Dr Karin Daum (Wuppertal, U./Desy), Karin Daum (University of Wuppertal/DESY)
    • 20
      H1-ZEUS Inclusive DIS Combination and HERAPDF 2.0 Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Dr Voica Ana Maria Radescu (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 21
      Concluding Remarks Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Speaker: Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 19:00
      Dinner Philharmonic Pub (Hope Street (GRID 2A campus map))

      Philharmonic Pub

      Hope Street (GRID 2A campus map)

      Philarmonic Pub

    • 22
      Physics Board Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool

      Minutes of Last Meeting Matters Arising Questions to Physics Coordinator .... AOB
      Speaker: Stefan Schmitt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • a) Minutes of Last Meeting
      • b) Matters Arising
        Speaker: Stefan Schmitt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • c) Questions to Physics Coordinator
        Speaker: Karin Daum (University of Wuppertal/DESY)
      • d) ....
      • e) AOB
    • 11:00
      Tea/Coffee Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      Room 337, Oliver Lodge

      University of Liverpool