Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
We are working on the proposed small angle calorimeter for ILC, "BeamCal". The detector, which is envisioned as a tungsten sandwich calorimeter, will be subject to high fluences EM radiation that will shower in the tungsten radiator. We are doing studies that explore the effects of radiation damage on candidate sensors at shower-max within the induced shower. In addition to electrons, positrons and photons, these showers will contain a flux of neutrons from the de-excitation of the giant dipole resonance that may significantly contribute to radiation damage. The anticipated fluence of the order of 100 MRad/year instigated studies of exotic sensor materials, such as GaAs. Instead, we are studying conventional silicon sensors as an alternative.
A major part of our efforts was beam test at SLAC electron beam facility in June and July of 2013. Silicon strip sensors of different types have been irradiated up to the dose of 220 MRad. We will describe the first charge collection results and on-going annealing studies.
Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
Bruce Andrew Schumm
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
Conor Timlin
Forest Martinez-Mc Kinney
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
Khilesh Mistry
(University of Pennsylvania)
Max Wilder
Ned Spencer
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
Ravi Nidumolu
Ryan Band
Tae Sung Kim
Takashi Maruyama
Tom Markiewicz