DPHEP Topical Workshop on "Full Costs of Curation"

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the full "costs of curation" of HEP data, e.g. that from the LHC, over a period of several decades (say 1, 2, or 3).

To look that far into the future, the past can be used as a "guide" as to the scale of the changes that might occur.

25 years ago, the LEP collider was about to start operation - which was shortly followed by an era of significant change in offline computing that continues to this day.

30 years ago, the Z and W had only recently been observed, Wylbur and MVS were still the main central computing services at CERN and central interactive services (VM/CMS, VAX/VMS) were only just making their debut.

The "programming language of choice" was Fortran - albeit often with extensions at the language level (e.g. VAX Fortran) or through libraries (e.g. Hydra, ZBOOK, ZEBRA etc.)

(The default terminal settings - 24 x 80 - are a legacy from this era.)

Storage capacity was minimal (the VXCERN service, originally based on a VAX 8600 or "Venus", had 6 disks of less than 500MB capacity each: one for each LEP experiment, one for the "system" and one for scratch space).

Today, mobile phones have internal storage of several GB, GHz multi-core processors and are pseudo-disposable devices.

What changes will take place in the future?

This is of course unknown, but we do know that there are clear scientific reasons for keeping the data from today's current experiments - as well as those from the recent past - fully usable until well into the future.

This workshop is about establishing the costs of such an exercise.

Having established these costs, according to a number of possible scenarios (e.g. "best case", "worst case"), this information will then be used for resource and budget planning.

Draft ICFA report
  • Adam Huffman
  • Anders Bo Nielsen
  • Andrew Branson
  • Andrii Verbytskyi
  • Charles Vardeman
  • Claudio Grandi
  • Cristinel Diaconu
  • David Giaretta
  • David Michael South
  • Federico Carminati
  • Gene Oleynik
  • Gerardo GANIS
  • Jakob Blomer
  • Jamie Shiers
  • Jesus Marco de Lucas
  • Jetendr Shamdasani
  • John Harvey
  • Kati Lassila-Perini
  • Kenneth Bloom
  • Lars Sonnenschein
  • Luca dell'Agnello
  • Maggi Marcello
  • Marco Cattaneo
  • Matthew Viljoen
  • Matthias Schröder
  • Mihaela Gheata
  • Neil Grindley
  • Patricia Sigrid Herterich
  • Pere Mato
  • Predrag Buncic
  • Richard McClatchey
  • Roger Jones
  • Salvatore Mele
  • Silvia Amerio
  • Stefan Kluth
  • Stephan Strodl
  • Sunje Dallmeier-Tiessen
  • Tim Smith
  • Tommaso Boccali
  • Monday 13 January
    • Lessons from the past - 1
      • 1
        Introduction: Purpose and Outcome(s)
        Speaker: Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)
      • 2
        The JADE Ressurrection
        Speaker: Stefan Kluth (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
      • 3
        The LEP Experience
        Speakers: Marcello Maggi (Universita e INFN (IT)), Matthias Schroeder (CERN), Olof Barring (CERN), Dr Ulrich Schwickerath (CERN)
      • 11:10
      • 4
        The HERA Inheritence
        Speakers: Cristinel Diaconu (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), David Michael South (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 5
        The Tevatron Tribulations
        Speakers: Dr Gene Oleynik (Fermilab), Silvia Amerio (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 6
      • 7
        The costs in digital curation – activities and approaches to cost modeling in the 4C project
        Speaker: Anders Bo NIELSEN (Danish National Archives)
    • 13:00
    • Lessons from the past - 2
  • Tuesday 14 January
    • Planning the future
      • 14
        Bit preservation: the 10, 20 and 30 year outlook
        Speakers: Dmitry Ozerov (DESY), German Cancio Melia (CERN)
        HEPiX bit preservation Working Group WWW
        XLS sheet
      • 15
      • 10:45
        Coffee Break
      • 16
        New architectures: multi-core, ARM, etc
        General discussion with contributions as available.
      • 17
      • 18
        Migration vs Emulation (see subcontributions)
        Speakers: Gerardo Ganis (CERN), Jakob Blomer (CERN), John Harvey (CERN - PH/SFT), Dr Pere Mato Vila (CERN), Predrag Buncic (CERN)
        • a) An Approach to Emulation Exploiting Virtualisation
        • b) CernVM[FS] technology for Emulation
        • c) Discussion on Emulation / Migration costs and implications
      • 19
    • 13:00
    • Predicting the future
      • 20
        Speaker: All
      • 21
        Summary and end of Thematic Workshop
        • Brief conclusions of the workshop
        • Next steps, e.g. ICFA report, DPHEP paper, medium term plan updates and Resource Review Board input
        • Discussion on non-CERN experiments
        • Next events
        • Close
        Speaker: Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)
      • 22
        Additional Breakout on CCEX