Poster session
The poster session will be held on Saturday 2nd of August between 20:00 and 20:30 hours in the lobby of OAC. There will 30 poster boards (they can be used on both sides, dimensions: 1.40x1.40m and 0.90x1.40m).
Abstract submission for posters will remain open for the time being. The poster presentations will be published in the proceedings of the conference after a peer review with the same length as the oral presentations. In addition a Honorary Committee will award the best poster author.
To further encourage participation a wine tasting party will be associated with the poster session.
Note: We kindly ask all participants to bring a bottle of typical wine or another traditional beverage of their country to share it during the poster session.
For details please contact Gyulnara Eyyubova and CC to
Titles of posters:
- BOBOUNIKOV, Ilya, "Effects of Z’ bosons in W-pair production at the ILC"
- CONSIGLIO, Lucia, "Determination of the cosmic muon charge ratio in the OPERA experiment"
- DEVLANI, Nayneshkumar, "Spectroscopic properties of the B meson"
- EYYUBOVA, Gyulnara, "Long-range two-particle correlations in HYDJET++ model"
- GONZALEZ-MESTRES, Luis, "Tests of new physics at very high energy"
- GRACZYKOWSKI, Łukasz, "Pion femtoscopy measurements in small systems with ALICE at the LHC"
- JOHANSSON, Brusheim, "Generation of higher flow harmonics in relativistic heavy ion collisions within HYDJET++ model"
- KAPLAN, Daniel, "Measuring Antimatter Gravity with Muonium”
- LEONTSINIS, Stefanos, "Performance of the muon identification and reconstruction with the ATLAS detector"
- MAYBUROV, Sergey, "Fuzzy Topology, Quantization and Gauge Fields"
- MINKOWSKI, Peter, Oscillatory modes of light flavored $q, overline{q}^{ '}$ with q , q' = u, d, s hadrons -first results on mesons and comparison with baryons
- PRENCIPE, Elisabetta, "Search for exotic charmonium at BABAR"
- RATHAUD, Dharmesh, "Masses of di-mesonic states in semi-relativistic approach"
- ROZYNEK, Jacek, "Nonextensive critical effects in the NJL model"
- TARLE, Gregory, Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
- TORENTE, Emilio, The Higgs coincidence problem: why Mh**2=m_t m_W?