23–28 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

The MEG experiment: past, present and future

23 Jun 2014, 16:30
Room 3 (Tuschinski Theatre)

Room 3

Tuschinski Theatre

Presentation Particle Physics Particle Physics


Mrs Elisabetta Baracchini (The University of Tokyo)


We will present the latest result from the MEG experiment, based on the data collected at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), in search of the Lepton Flavour Violating (LFV) decay $\mu^+ \to e^+ \gamma$. Such decay is forbidden within the Standard Model (SM), nevertheless most of its viable extensions predict a branching ratio in the 10$^{−14}$ to 10$^{−12}$ range. An observation of the $\mu^+ \to e^+ \gamma$ decay would therefore represent an unambiguous sign of New Physics (NP) beyond the SM, whereas a tight upper limit significantly constraints the parameter space of NP scenarios, in a way complementary to high energy colliders measurements. With the analysis of the data collected in the years 2009-2011, we set the most stringent upper limit to date on charged LFV processes with BR ($\mu^+ \to e^+ \gamma$) < 5.7 × 10$^{−13}$ at 90% confidence level. The MEG collaboration is working on a detector upgrade, MEG II, whose design and associated research and development projects will be illustrated as well.


Mrs Elisabetta Baracchini (The University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials