12:30 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:30 PM
Cosmic Rays
Elena Amato
(INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room 4)
2:30 PM
Cosmic Ray acceleration and escape in SNRs
- Dr
Brian Reville
(Queen's University Belfast)
(Room 4)
2:55 PM
Hybrid simulations of cosmic ray acceleration at shocks
Damiano Caprioli
(Princeton University)
(Room 4)
3:20 PM
The Transition between Galactic and Extragalactic Cosmic Rays
Gwenael Giacinti
(University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory)
(Room 4)
3:45 PM
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray energy spectrum by the ARGO-YBJ experiment
Paolo Bernardini
(Universita' del Salento - INFN)
(Room 4)
2:30 PM
Dark Matter: Direct Detection
Neil Spooner
(University of Sheffield)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room 5)
2:55 PM
Measuring the dark matter mass - in spite of astrophysical uncertainties
Bradley J. Kavanagh
(University of Nottingham)
(Room 5)
3:15 PM
Direct dark-matter detection with LAr: DEAP-3600
Simon Peeters
(University of Sussex)
(Room 5)
3:35 PM
Simple steps to analyse direct detection experiments without halo uncertainties
Felix Kahlhoefer
(University of Oxford)
(Room 5)
2:30 PM
Dark Matter: Indirect Detection
Tracy Slatyer
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room 6)
2:30 PM
Recent results on dark matter search with the Fermi-LAT
- Dr
Gabrijela Zaharijas
(ICTP and INFN, Trieste)
(Room 6)
2:55 PM
Search for DM-induced gamma-rays from Galaxy Clusters with the Fermi-LAT
- Mr
Stephan Zimmer
(OKC/ Stockholm University)
(Room 6)
3:05 PM
Optimized dark matter searches in deep observations of Segue 1 with MAGIC
Javier Rico
(Room 6)
3:30 PM
The GeV Galactic Center Excess: Implications for Particle Physics
- Dr
dan hooper
(Room 6)
3:45 PM
Minimal Simplified Models for the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Samuel McDermott
(Room 6)
2:30 PM
Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
Elina Lindfors
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room 2)
2:30 PM
The current status of the HAWC observatory
Dirk Lennarz
(Georgia Tech)
(Room 2)
2:50 PM
Highlights from H.E.S.S.
- Prof.
Christian Stegmann
(Room 2)
3:10 PM
Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from solar flares
Melissa Pesce-Rollins
(Room 2)
3:30 PM
Binary systems
Daniela Hadasch
(University of Innsbruck)
(Room 2)
2:30 PM
Particle Physics
Albert De Roeck
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room 3)
2:30 PM
Progresses on Minimal Dark Matter
Filippo Sala
(CEA/Saclay and CNRS)
(Room 3)
2:45 PM
Using Energy Peaks to Count Dark Matter Particles in Decays
Roberto Franceschini
(Room 3)
3:00 PM
SUSY after LHC run1
LianTao Wang
(University of Chicago)
(Room 3)
3:20 PM
Supersymmetry Searches in ATLAS and CMS
Troels Petersen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
(Room 3)
3:40 PM
The Incredible Bulk
- Ms
Pearl Sandick
(University of Minnesota)
(Room 3)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
Cosmic Rays
Elena Amato
(INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room 4)
4:30 PM
On the CR spectrum released by a type II Supernova Remnant expanding in the presupernova wind.
Martina Cardillo
(INAF - Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri)
(Room 4)
4:48 PM
Cosmic-ray spectral anomaly at GeV-TeV energies
Satyendra Thoudam
(Room 4)
5:06 PM
Anisotropic cosmic ray propagation
Daniele Gaggero
(Room 4)
5:24 PM
SNR shocks in partially ionized plasmas
Giovanni Morlino
(Room 4)
5:49 PM
Cosmic Rays, Synchrotron Emission and Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays: Consistent Analysis and Impications
Giuseppe Di Bernardo
(Room 4)
6:07 PM
Modeling of the galactic and extragalactic diffuse radio emission.
Marco Taoso
(Room 4)
4:30 PM
Dark Matter: Direct Detection
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room 5)
4:30 PM
Impact of anisotropic distribution functions on direct dark matter detection
- Dr
Nassim Bozorgnia
(Room 5)
4:50 PM
NEWS experiment and ultra-light dark matter search
- Dr
ioannis giomataris
(Room 5)
5:10 PM
Axion mass estimates from resonant Josephson junctions
- Prof.
Christian Beck
(Queen Mary, University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences)
(Room 5)
5:30 PM
Axion searches in the helioscope technique: CAST and IAXO
- Mrs
Juan Antonio Garcia Pascual
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
(Room 5)
5:50 PM
New Results from the CRESST Experiment
Raimund Strauss
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
(Room 5)
6:10 PM
Self-consistent velocity distributions for local Dark Matter
Mattia Fornasa
(Room 5)
4:30 PM
Dark Matter: Indirect Detection
Gabrijela Zaharijas
(CEA Saclay)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room 6)
4:30 PM
Cosmological limits on dark matter annihilations
Laura Lopez Honorez
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
(Room 6)
4:50 PM
Modeling Dark Matter Self-Interactions Involving an Excited State
- Prof.
Tracy Slatyer
(Room 6)
5:10 PM
Fingerprints of Dark Matter in the gamma-ray sky (?)
- Dr
Alfredo Urbano
(Room 6)
5:35 PM
The origin of the Extra-Galactic Gamma-ray Background through its anisotropy and cross-correlations
Alessandro Cuoco
(Room 6)
6:00 PM
Searching for dark matter in the extragalactic gamma-ray background
Ilias Cholis
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
(Room 6)
6:15 PM
Systematic uncertainties in dark matter searches due to halo asphericity
Nicolas Bernal
(Room 6)
4:30 PM
Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
Daniel Mazin
(until 6:40 PM)
(Room 2)
4:30 PM
Gamma-ray Observations of Galaxy Clusters
Keith Bechtol
(Room 2)
4:50 PM
Multi-messenger Astroparticle with Clusters of Galaxies
Fabio Zandanel
(University of Amsterdam)
(Room 2)
5:05 PM
M 31 as a probe for diffuse VHE gamma ray emission with VERITAS
Ralph Bird
(UCD Dublin)
(Room 2)
5:20 PM
Prospects for detecting Gamma-Ray Bursts at the highest energies
- Dr
Valerie Connaughton
(National Space Science and Technology Centre)
(Room 2)
5:40 PM
Observations of gamma-ray bursts with the HAWC observatory
Dirk Lennarz
(Georgia Tech)
(Room 2)
5:55 PM
Time Stretching of the GeV Emission of GRBs: Fermi LAT data vs geometrical model
Maxim Piskunov
(Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)
(Room 2)
6:10 PM
ImPACT: A Monte Carlo Template based analysis for Air-Cherenkov Arrays
- Dr
Robert Parsons
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
(Room 2)
6:25 PM
Model Independent Measurements of Angular Power Spectra
Sheldon Campbell
(Room 2)
4:30 PM
Particle Physics
Troels Petersen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
(until 6:30 PM)
(Room 3)
4:30 PM
The MEG experiment: past, present and future
- Mrs
Elisabetta Baracchini
(The University of Tokyo)
(Room 3)
4:45 PM
LHC searches in rare heavy-flavor decays
Giampiero Mancinelli
(CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France)
(Room 3)
5:05 PM
Mono- and di-photon searches for new physics at the LHC
- Prof.
Toyoko Orimoto
(Northeastern University)
(Room 3)
5:25 PM
Other BSM searches at the LHC
Tristan Arnoldus Du Pree
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
(Room 3)
5:45 PM
Expectations for LHC run-II
LianTao Wang
(University of Chicago)
(Room 3)
6:05 PM
Future high-energy collider options and physics prospects
Albert De Roeck
Albert De Roeck
(Room 3)