Paolo Gondolo
(University of Utah)
This talk will present a reexamination of the current direct dark matter data including the recent CDMSlite, LUX, and SuperCDMS data, assuming that the dark matter consists of light WIMPs, with mass close to 10 GeV/$c^2$ with spin-independent and isospin-conserving or isospin-violating interactions. We have compared the data with a standard model for the dark halo of our galaxy and also in a halo-independent manner. In our standard-halo analysis, we found that for isospin-conserving couplings, CDMSlite and LUX together exclude the DAMA, CoGeNT, CDMS-II-Si, and CRESST-II possible WIMP signal regions. For isospin-violating couplings, we found that the SuperCDMS data allow for only a tiny portion of the CDMS-II-Si region. In our halo-independent analysis, we found that for isospin-conserving couplings, the situation is of strong tension between the positive and negative results, as it was before the LUX, CDMSlite, and SuperCDMS bounds. For isospin-violating couplings, we found that LUX and CDMS-II-Si bounds together exclude or severely constrain the DAMA, CoGeNT and CRESST-II possible WIMP signals.
Paolo Gondolo
(University of Utah)
Eugenio Del Nobile
(Centre for Particle Physics Phenomenology CP3-Origins)
Graciela Gelmini
Ji-Haeng Huh
(S.N.U in Seoul,Korea)