23–28 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

NEWAGE - direction-sensitive dark matter search

27 Jun 2014, 17:50
Room 3 (Tuschinski Theatre)

Room 3

Tuschinski Theatre

Presentation Dark Matter Direct Detection Dark Matter: Direct Detection


Kiseki Nakamura (Kyoto University)


NEWAGE is a direction sensitive WIMP search experiment using micro pixel chamber. After our first underground measurement at Kamioka (PLB686(2010)11), we constructed new detector, NEWAGE-0.3b'. NEWAGE-0.3b' was designed to have a twice larger target volume with low background material, a lowered threshold of $50\,\rm keV$, an improved data acquisition system, and a gas circulation system with cooled charcoal. A direction-sensitive dark matter search in Kamioka underground laboratory with NEWAGE-0.3b’ was performed from July 17th, 2013 to November 12th, 2013. With an exposure of $0.327\,\rm kg\cdot days$, a new direction-sensitive SD cross section limit $557\,\rm pb$ for WIMP mass of $200\,\rm GeV/c^2$ was obtained. This result improved the limit by about 10 times from previous measurement, and marks the best direction-sensitive limit. From the detail study on the remaining background, alpha particles from the substrate of $\mu$-PIC was found to be the dominant background, and prospects for future improvements will be reported.


Kiseki Nakamura (Kyoto University)


Dr Atsushi Takada (Kyoto university) Dr Hidetoshi Kubo (Kyoto university) Dr Hironobu Nishimura (Kyoto university) Dr Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe university) Dr Parker Joseph (CROSS) Mr Shotaro Komura (Kyoto university) Mr Takashi Hashimoto (Kobe university) Mr Tatsuya Sawano (Kanazawa university) Dr Tetsuya Muzumoto (Kyoto university) Prof. Toru Tanimori (Kyoto university) Mr Yoshihiro Matsuoka (Kyoto university) Mr Yushiro Yamaguchi (Kobe university)

Presentation materials