23–28 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status and perspectives of particle dark matter searches with radio observations

25 Jun 2014, 14:55
Room 6 (Tuschinski Theatre)

Room 6

Tuschinski Theatre

Presentation Dark Matter Indirect Detection Dark Matter: Indirect Detection


Dr Marco Regis (University of Turin and INFN)


Annihilations or decays of WIMPs in dark-matter (DM) halos can produce high-energy electrons and positrons, which in turn give raise to synchrotron radiation via their interaction with the interstellar magnetic field. The emission typically peaks in the radio band, which is thus a promising range of photon wavelengths for indirect DM searches. I will discuss recent results in the search for DM-induced radio signals in dwarf spheroidal galaxies and in the intensity and anisotropies of the extragalactic radio background.


Dr Marco Regis (University of Turin and INFN)

Presentation materials