Hau-Bin Li
(Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
Hau-Bin Li, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
(On behalf of the TEXONO Collaboration)
Germanium detectors with sub-keV sensitivities can probe low-mass WIMP Dark Matter. This experimental approach is pursued at the Kuo-Sheng Neutrino Laboratory (KSNL) in Taiwan and at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) in China via the TEXONO and CDEX programs, respectively. The highlights of R&D efforts on point-contact germanium detectors and in particular the differentiation of surface and bulk events by pulse shape analysis [1] will be described. The latest results on WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-sections[2] will be presented. Some of the allowed parameter space implied by other experiments are probed and excluded. Future prospects will be discussed.
1. H.B. Li et al., Astropart. Phys. 56, 1 (2014)
2. H.B. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 261301 (2013) ; W. Zhao et al. Phys. Rev. D 88, 052004 (2013).
Hau-Bin Li
(Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)