Emma De Ona Wilhelmi
(IEEC-CSIC Barcelona)
The last few years have witness a revolution in very high
gamma-ray astronomy (VHE; E>100 GeV) driven largely by a new generation of
Cherenkov telescopes. These new facilities,
namely H.E.S.S. and the new 28-meter-sized mirror H.E.S.S. 2, MAGIC and
its upgrade MAGIC 2 and Veritas were designed to increase the
flux sensitivity in the energy regime of hundreds of GeV, expanding the
observed energy range from 100 (50) GeV to multi-TeV, and fostered as a
result a period of rapid growth in our understanding of the Non-Thermal
Universe. As a result of this fast development the number of new VHE
Galactic sources detected has increased from a few in the early 90's to
nearly 50 Galactic sources nowadays. A review of the most recent Galactic
VHE results will be discussed, emphasizing in particular results concerning Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Supernova Remnants, the most numerous TeV galactic population and the expectations for the future observatory CTA.
Emma De Ona Wilhelmi
(IEEC-CSIC Barcelona)