Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Neil Spooner (University of Sheffield)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (MIT)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Uwe Oberlack (R)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Jeter Hall (Fermilab)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Carsten Krauss (U)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Kaixuan Ni (S)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Jocelyn Monroe (MIT)
Dark Matter: Direct Detection: Dark Matter: Direct Detection
- Marek Kos (Syracuse University)
Bradley J. Kavanagh
(University of Nottingham)
23/06/2014, 14:55
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The interpretation of future dark matter (DM) direct detection data is fraught with uncertainties. In particular, measurements of the WIMP mass and cross section can be biased by poor assumptions about the WIMP speed distribution. I will present a new technique, based on parametrizing the logarithm of the WIMP speed distribution, which allows the dark matter mass and the speed distribution...
Simon Peeters
(University of Sussex)
23/06/2014, 15:15
Dark Matter Direct Detection
DEAP-3600 is a single phase liquid argon direct-detection dark-matter experiment located at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, with projected WIMP-nucleon scattering sensitivity of $10^{-46}$ cm$^2$ in 3 years, a factor of 20 beyond current experimental results at 100 GeV WIMP mass. The detector commissioning starts in Spring 2014, and DEAP3600 is projected to reach competitive sensitivity...
Felix Kahlhoefer
(University of Oxford)
23/06/2014, 15:35
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Uncertainty in the local dark matter velocity distribution is a key difficulty in the analysis of data from direct detection experiments. In my talk, I will propose a completely new approach for dealing with this uncertainty, which does not involve any assumptions about the structure of the dark matter halo. Given a dark matter model, this approach yields the velocity distribution which best...
Nassim Bozorgnia
23/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
In analyzing data from dark matter direct detection experiments, usually an isotropic Maxwellian velocity distribution is assumed. However, dark matter N-body simulations suggest that the velocity distribution of dark matter is anisotropic. I will discuss how to use information from kinematical data on the Milky Way to constrain the properties of the dark matter phase space distribution, based...
ioannis giomataris
23/06/2014, 16:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
We present recent results taken at the LSM laboratory using the new spherical gaseous detector. It consists of a large spherical gas volume with a central electrode forming a radial electric field. A small spherical sensor located at the center is acting as a proportional amplification structure. Sub-keV energy threshold and versatility of the target (Ne, He, H) opens the way to...
Christian Beck
(Queen Mary, University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences)
23/06/2014, 17:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
This talk will be on a recent proposal that QCD dark matter axions from the galactic halo that pass through Earth can produce a small Shapiro step-like signal in Josephson junctions whose Josephson frequency resonates with the axion mass [1].
The axion field equations in a voltage-driven Josephson environment allow for a
nontrivial solution where the axion-induced electrical current...
Juan Antonio Garcia Pascual
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
23/06/2014, 17:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Axions are well motivated particles proposed in an extension of the SM as a solution to the strong CP-problem. On the other hand there is the category of axion-like particles (ALPs) which appear in diverse extensions of the SM and share the same phenomenology of the axion. Axions and ALPs are hypothetical neutral and light particles which interacts weakly with the matter, being candidates to...
Raimund Strauss
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
23/06/2014, 17:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers) experiment has started a new Dark Matter run in summer 2013 with a total target mass of ~5kg. Significant improvements have be achieved with respect to previous measuring campaigns in terms of the intrinsic radiopurity of CaWO$_4$ crystals and the rejection of recoil events from $\alpha$ surface contamination. The first...
Mattia Fornasa
23/06/2014, 18:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiments usually assume a simple “Standard Halo Model” for the Milky Way halo, in which the velocity distribution f(v) is Maxwellian.
In an alternative observation-oriented approach the DM velocity distribution is derived from our knowledge of the composition of the Milky Way (i.e. its mass model), obtaining, thus, a “self-consistent” f(v). This is...
Alexandre Lindote
25/06/2014, 14:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The LUX dark matter search experiment, the world's largest dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, is installed 1478 m underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, SD, USA. In this talk I will present the results from the first WIMP search run of LUX: from a total exposure of 85 live-days, we found no evidence of signal above expected background, constraining the...
Paolo Gondolo
(University of Utah)
25/06/2014, 14:55
Dark Matter Direct Detection
This talk will present a reexamination of the current direct dark matter data including the recent CDMSlite, LUX, and SuperCDMS data, assuming that the dark matter consists of light WIMPs, with mass close to 10 GeV/$c^2$ with spin-independent and isospin-conserving or isospin-violating interactions. We have compared the data with a standard model for the dark halo of our galaxy and also in a...
Katsuki Hiraide
25/06/2014, 15:15
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The XMASS project is a multi-purpose low-background experiment using liquid xenon.
The current stage with a 835kg LXe detector was started in 2010.
After the commissioning data-taking, we have refurbished the detector
to reduce surface backgrounds and resumed data-taking in the autumn of 2013.
In this talk, latest results and future prospects of the experiment will be presented.
Miguel Peiró
25/06/2014, 15:35
Dark Matter Direct Detection
In the last decade experiments aiming at the direct detection of dark matter (DM) have
increased significantly their sensitivity. In fact, ton-scale setups have been proposed,
especially using Germanium and Xenon targets, which raises the hope of a detection in the near future.
In light of this situation, it is necessary to study how well the DM parameters (mass, spin-dependent (SD) and...
Uwe Oberlack
25/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The XENON Dark Matter program developed the dual-phase liquid xenon TPC into the world-leading detector type for direct WIMP Dark Matter searches with the experiments XENON10 and XENON100. This talk discusses recent results from XENON100, and reports on the status of its successor under construction, XENON1T. With a sensitive volume of about 2.2 tons, XENON1T aims at a sensitivity improvement...
Akira Hitachi
(Kochi Medical School)
25/06/2014, 16:55
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The scintillation efficiency for low energy recoil ions in liquid argon has been evaluated for WIMP searches. the track structure and the excitation density for recoil ions are calculated then the prescribed diffusion equation for biexcitonic quenching has been solved and the total quenching factor qT for 5-240 keV recoil ions in liquid Ar at zero electric field are obtained. All the constants...
Kaixuan Ni
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
25/06/2014, 17:15
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Liquid xenon is one of the best detection mediums for dark matter direct detection, as demonstrated by the XENON100 and LUX experiments. Rejecting the electron recoil background from material radioactivity of the detector system and even solar and atmospheric neutrinos remains as the most challenging task for future dark matter detectors based on liquid xenon. Here we will present an...
Chris Kelso
(University of Utah)
25/06/2014, 17:35
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The CoGeNT collaboration has released more than 3 years of data including the spectrum and time variation of the nuclear candidate events in their germanium detector. We perform an unbinned, maximum likelihood fit to the data, accounting for known backgrounds and systematic effects to search for dark matter interactions with the detector. Background and possible signals are characterized by...
Julien Billard
26/06/2014, 14:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The SuperCDMS experiment has operated a 9kg array of cryogenic detectors to search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the Soudan Underground Lab since early 2012. We have recently finished analyzing 600 kg-d of low-energy data on a subset of detectors with an energy threshold of 1.6 keVnr. The use of the athermal phonon measurement provides position sensitivity, and therefore...
Marek Kos
26/06/2014, 14:55
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The CoGeNT dark matter detector has been taking data at the Soudan mine since December 2009. The data have been analyzed for a possible WIMP signal using multi-dimensional PDFs in energy, time, and pulse rise-time. The bulk event (fast rise-time pulses) and surface (slow rise-time) event fractions are determined through this analysis. We have also done extensive simulations of backgrounds...
Jonathan Davis
(IPPP, Durham University)
26/06/2014, 15:15
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Data from the CoGeNT experiment has been claimed to be compatible with a light Dark Matter particle scattering off nucleons, to a significance of approximately 2.5 sigma. I will critically assess this possibility, using the methods introduced in arXiv:1405.0495. I present a Bayesian and frequentist analysis of CoGeNT data, with particular focus on the removal of surface events. By...
Reyco Henning
(UNC Chapel Hill)
26/06/2014, 15:35
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an array of natural and enriched high purity germanium detectors that will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of germanium-76 and perform a search for WIMPs with masses below 10 GeV. As part of the MAJORANA research and development efforts, we have deployed a modified, low-background broad energy germanium detector at the Kimballton Underground Research...
Patricia Villar
(PhD Fellow)
26/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The ANAIS (Annual Modulation with NaI(Tl) Scintillators) experiment aims at the confirmation of the DAMA/LIBRA signal using the same target and technique at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. 250 kg of ultrapure NaI(Tl) crystals will be used as a target, divided into 20 modules, each coupled to two photomultipliers. Two NaI(Tl) crystals of 12.5 kg each, grown by Alpha Spectra from a powder...
Carsten Krauss
26/06/2014, 16:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Superheated liquids, such as CF$_3$I have been shown to have excellent properties when operated in large scale bubble chambers for the detection of dark matter. The PICO collaboration is currently operating a new detector at SNOLAB to demonstrate that a large scale chamber with superheated C$_3$F$_8$ can be operated stably. The this paper will present the latest status and results from the...
Foot Robert
(School of Physics, University of Melbourne)
26/06/2014, 17:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
A duplicate set of particles and forces (mirror particles) are required if nature obeys an exact parity symmetry. Mirror baryons are a candidate for the inferred dark matter of
the Universe. The only new parameter postulated is photon - mirror photon kinetic mixing of strength $\epsilon \sim 10^{-9}$. Recent work indicates that such a theory might be capable of explaining galactic structure...
Martinez Maria
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
26/06/2014, 17:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) experiment, currently under construction at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), will operate 988 TeO$_2$ bolometers at a temperature of around 10 mK, adding up a total mass of 750 kg. CUORE-$0$, a 52 TeO$_2$ bolometers array built using the same protocols developed for CUORE, is currently in operation at LNGS and has recently...
Kyungwon Kim
(Center for Underground Physics (IBS))
26/06/2014, 17:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
KIMS-NaI is a dark matter search experiment using NaI(Tl) as a scintillating crystal at the Yangyang underground laboratory to verify the DAMA experiment. Two NaI(Tl) crystals grown from different powders and with different sizes are used in a test experiment. The crystals coupled to two PMTs that have high quantum efficiency were surrounded by twelve CsI(Tl) crystal used for KIMS-CsI...
Neil Spooner
(University of Sheffield)
26/06/2014, 18:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Astrophysical observations and cosmological data give overwhelming evidence that the majority of the mass of the Universe is comprised of dark matter. For over 15 years, the DAMA collaboration has asserted that they observe a dark matter-induced annual modulation in their data. Several alternative hypotheses have been proposed as explanations for the observation of an annual modulation...
Silvia Scorza
27/06/2014, 14:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
EDELWEISS is a direct dark matter search situated in the low radioactivity environment of the Modane Underground Laboratory.
The experiment uses Ge detectors operated at 20 mK in a dilution refrigerator in order to identify eventual rare nuclear recoils induced by elastic scattering of WIMPs from our Galactic halo.
I will describe the current EDELWEISS-III program, including improvements of...
Brian Feldstein
(University of Oxford)
27/06/2014, 14:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Abstract: I will discuss the implications of hypercharged dark matter, which is a generic possibility which leads to very large scattering cross sections at direct detection experiments. In fact, current and planned experiments are probing masses for such particles up to an amazing $10^8-10^{10}$ GeV. If a detection were made, then the scattering rate would reveal the dark matter mass, and...
Shin-Ted LIN
(Sichuan University)
27/06/2014, 15:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
We present the latest results on light Dark Matter WIMP searches at China Jinping Underground Laboratory from a p-type point-contact germanium detector enclosed by a NaI(Tl) anti-Compton detector. An order of magnitude improvement in the sensitivities for low-mass WIMP searches over our previous results is achieved. The analysis procedures of our results as well as the status and perspectives...
Hau-Bin Li
(Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
27/06/2014, 15:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Hau-Bin Li, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
(On behalf of the TEXONO Collaboration)
Germanium detectors with sub-keV sensitivities can probe low-mass WIMP Dark Matter. This experimental approach is pursued at the Kuo-Sheng Neutrino Laboratory (KSNL) in Taiwan and at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) in China via the TEXONO and CDEX programs, respectively. The...
Federico Izraelevitch
27/06/2014, 15:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
DAMIC is a novel dark matter search experiment that has a unique sensitivity to hypothetic dark matter particles with masses below 10 GeV. Due to the CCD's low electronic readout noise (R.M.S. ~ 3 electrons), this instrument is able to reach a detection threshold of 60 eV, suitable for the search in the low mass range. The excellent energy response and high spatial resolution of a CCD image...
Jocelyn Monroe
27/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber (DMTPC) collaboration is developing a low-pressure TPC with optical and charge readout for direction-sensitive dark matter detection, in order to correlate a dark matter candidate nuclear recoil signal, in a detector deep underground, with the earth's motion through the galactic dark matter halo. The unique angular signature of the dark matter wind,...
Neil Spooner
(University of Sheffield)
27/06/2014, 16:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
The DRIFT (directional recoil identification from tracks) concept is currently the most sensitive technique being developed with capability to observe a galactic signature for WIMP dark matter by measuring the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils in a gas. The collaboration is well advanced in the design and testing of a next generation experiment, DRIFT III, comprising up to 24 m3...
Paolo Panci
(Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP))
27/06/2014, 17:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Direct searches for Dark Matter (DM) aim at detecting the nuclear recoils arising from a scattering between DM particles and target nuclei in underground detectors. Since the physics that describes the collision between DM particles and target nuclei is deeply non-relativistic, in this presentation I’ll review a different and more general approach to study signal in direct DM searches based on...
Chung-Lin SHAN
27/06/2014, 17:30
Dark Matter Direct Detection
In this talk, I present our recent work on the introduction of Bayesian analysis to our model-independent reconstruction of the one-dimensional velocity distribution function of Galactic WIMPs. In this process, the (rough) velocity distribution reconstructed by using raw data from direct Dark Matter detection experiments directly has been used as "reconstructed-input" information. By assuming...
Kiseki Nakamura
(Kyoto University)
27/06/2014, 17:50
Dark Matter Direct Detection
NEWAGE is a direction sensitive WIMP search experiment using micro pixel chamber. After our first underground measurement at Kamioka (PLB686(2010)11), we constructed new detector, NEWAGE-0.3b'. NEWAGE-0.3b' was designed to have a twice larger target volume with low background material, a lowered threshold of $50\,\rm keV$, an improved data acquisition system, and a gas circulation system with...
Nguyen Phan
(University of New Mexico)
27/06/2014, 18:10
Dark Matter Direct Detection
Can directional detection provide any input to the low mass WIMP region? We will show results from measurements of low energy recoils using a low pressure optical TPC which demonstrates the capabilities of a realistic directional detector. Results from those measurements are extrapolated to find the detector characteristics most suitable for low mass WIMP searches. Finally, some preliminary...