Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
- Mark Lovell (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
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Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
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Matthew Walker
26/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
The Local Group's dwarf galaxies represent the lower limit of galaxy formation. Inferences about the amount and spatial distribution of dark matter within these objects has can provide tests of cosmological models and predictions for indirect detection experiments. I will summarize current observational constraints and discuss prospects for improvement.
Jorge Penarrubia
(Royal Observatory Edinburgh)
26/06/2014, 16:50
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are the faintest galaxies in the Universe and as such play a fundamental role in galaxy formation models. In addition, their internal kinematics suggest the presence of large amounts of non-baryonic matter on very small scales. In models where dark matter (DM) consists of exotic particles formed shortly after the Big Bang, the high phase-space densities inferred in...
Pascal Steger
26/06/2014, 17:10
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
We propose a new non-parametric method to determine the mass
distribution in spherical systems. A high dimensional parameter space
encoding tracer density, line of sight velocity anisotropy and total
mass density is sampled using MultiNest.
Without assumptions on the functional form of any of these profiles,
we can reproduce reliably the total mass density and velocity anisotropy...
Oleg Ruchayskiy
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
26/06/2014, 17:30
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Analyses of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies and of galaxy
survey data allow for the possibility that dark matter particles were
born relativistic yet became non-relativistic well before matter-radiation
equality. Such "warm" or "cold plus warm" dark matter models may still
have observable signatures at sub-Mpc scales, e.g. modifying the structure of
galactic halos and their...
tom theuns
26/06/2014, 17:50
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
I will discuss the key difference between warm dark matter and cold dark matter on the formation
of Milky Way-like galaxies, demonstrating that a generic aspect of WDM is the formation of stars in
filaments that connect to the forming galaxy. Such dense filaments also appear as Lyman Limit systems
(LLSs) in the spectra of background QSOs, and the correlation function of LLSs could...
Aaron Ludlow
(Argelander-Institut fuer Astronomie)
26/06/2014, 18:10
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
I will discuss the relation between the accretion history and mass
profile of cold dark matter (CDM) haloes, emphasizing how an appropriate
definition of their formation times can be used to determine their
characteristic radii. This result is based on the finding that the
average mass accretion history, expressed in terms of the critical
density of the Universe, resembles the enclosed...
Paolo Salucci
27/06/2014, 14:00
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Recent observations have revealed the structural properties of the dark and luminous mass distribution in spirals. These results led to the vision of a new and amazing scenario. The investigation of single and coadded objects has unanimously shown that the rotation curves of spirals follow, from their centres out to their virial radii, a universal profile. This profile implies a tuned...
Miguel Pato
(TU Munich)
27/06/2014, 14:20
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
The distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way is poorly constrained at present and represents a major uncertainty for both direct and indirect dark matter searches. In this talk, I shall present new constraints on the dark matter distribution based on photometric and dynamical observations of our Galaxy. First, state-of-the-art models for the distribution of baryons are calibrated against...
fabio iocco
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica)
27/06/2014, 14:40
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
We use a new compilation of data for the Rotation Curve of our own Galaxy in order to assess evidence for a Dark component of matter. We construct the rotation curve expected from a large sample of models of the baryonic (star and gas) component of the Milky Way, and infer the missing component with high statistical evidence. This model-independent approach shows evidence for a dark component...
Pol Mollitor
27/06/2014, 15:00
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
We study three high resolution cosmological hydrodynamical
simulations of Milky Way-sized halos
including a comparison with the corresponding DM-only runs performed with the
adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES. We analyse the stellar and gas distribution and find one of our simulated galaxies with interesting Milky Way like features with regard to several observational tests.
Thanks to...
Tom Richardson
(King's College London)
27/06/2014, 15:20
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Detailed measurements of the dark matter density profile in systems such as dwarf galaxies and galaxy clusters would allows us to test predictions from N-body simulations of cold dark matter and how complex astrophysical effects and interactions with baryons may have reshaped dark matter halos. Traditionally, the Jeans equation is used to constrain the dark matter density profile in spherical...
Aurel Schneider
(University of Sussex)
27/06/2014, 15:40
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
I will discuss the scenario of sterile neutrino dark matter produced by decays of heavy scalars. This is an ideal toy example to illustrate how the production of dark matter influences the formation of structures in the universe.
Joern Kersten
(University of Bergen)
27/06/2014, 16:30
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Despite the astonishing success of standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, there is mounting
evidence for a tension with observations at small and intermediate scales (missing satellites, cusp vs. core and too big to fail problems). We introduce a simple model where both cold dark matter (DM) and sterile neutrinos are charged under a new $U(1)_X$ gauge interaction. The resulting DM...
Katarina Markovic
(University of Manchester)
27/06/2014, 16:50
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Warm Dark Matter (WDM) is a generalisation of the standard Cold Dark Matter model in the sense that it does not assume dark matter particles to be absolutely cold. In the simplest models all dark matter is made of the same particles, which started out in thermal equilibrium and cooled to effectively become cold today. If such particles have masses of the order of a keV or less, they leave an...
Francesc Ferrer
27/06/2014, 17:10
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
The cold dark matter at the center of a galaxy will be redistributed by the presence of a massive black hole. We apply the adiabatic growth framework in a fully relativistic setting to obtain the final dark-matter density for both cored and cusped initial distributions. Besides the implications for indirect detection estimates, we show that the gravitational effects of such a dark-matter spike...
Jan Hamann
27/06/2014, 17:30
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Light sterile neutrinos with masses of order 1 eV have been suggested to resolve anomalies in various neutrino oscillation experiments. In a cosmological context, these sterile neutrinos would act as a (hot) dark matter component. I will review their impact on cosmological observables and discuss the observational status following the recent measurements of the cosmic microwave background...
Annika Peter
(The Ohio State University)
27/06/2014, 17:50
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
The simplest phenomenological model for cosmological dark matter is the “cold dark matter” (CDM) model. This model assumes that dark matter is cold, collisionless, and stable. Recently, these three tenets of CDM have been challenged on both observational and theoretical grounds. In this talk, I present a review of recent work on investigations into the stability of dark matter. I consider...
Ryan Wilkinson
(IPPP, Durham University)
27/06/2014, 18:10
Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects
Despite the large number of dedicated experiments, an understanding of the particle nature of dark matter and direct evidence for its existence have remained elusive. However, detection methods generally assume that dark matter consists of cold, massive particles. In this talk, I will discuss how cosmological data from the CMB and Large-Scale Structure can be used to study dark matter...