MC4BSM-2014: Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Room #204
This is the 8th workshop in the MC4BSM series, intended to bring together experimentalists, model builders, phenomenologists, and tool builders to discuss new roads on the way for a possible discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model at the LHC (and future colliders/experiments). The workshop will be of interest to a broad range of theorists interested in interpreting LHC data (including model-builders, collider phenomenologists, and Monte Carlo experts), experimentalists involved in searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model, as well as graduate students in these areas, who will benefit from the dedicated tutorial sessions.
The workshop registration fees for participants are $150 USD ($130 USD for students). We will have a free Wednesday with an optional excursion to Seoul.
Alexander Pukhov
Andrea Wulzer
Andreas Weiler
Andrew Larkoski
Asesh K Datta
Benjamin Fuks
Brock Tweedie
Chanwook Hwang
Claude Duhr
David Curtin
David Grellscheid
Dong Woo Kang
Dong-Won Jung
DongHee Kim
Doojin Kim
Eunhyang Kwon
Fabio Maltoni
Geumbong Yu
Inwoo Park
Jae Sik Lee
Jamie Tattersall
Jenny List
Jesper Roy Christiansen
Jinmian Li
Jong-hyun Yoon
Jongkuk Kim
Jose Juknevich
Jun Seok Lee
Junghwan Goh
Jyotiranjan Beuria
K.C Kong
Kazuki Sakurai
Kenji Nishiwaki
Kentarou Mawatari
Konstantin Matchev
Kook Hyun Yoon
Ligong Bian
Ljiljana Morvaj
Manami Hashi
Marco Zaro
Matteo Cacciari
Maxim Perelstein
mihailo backovic
Mihoko Nojiri
Mikael Berggren
Mukesh Kumar
Myeonghun Park
Nicolas Greiner
Olivier Mattelaer
Patrick Meade
Peiwen Wu
Peter Skands
Qi-Shu Yan
SangEun Han
Seng Pei Liew
Seokhoon Yun
Seung J. Lee
SeungHak Lee
Sevda Rzayeva
Silvan Kuttimalai
Soo-hyeon Nam
Soyoung Shim
Stefano Frixione
Stephen Mrenna
subeom kang
Sukanta Dutta
Sung Hak Lim
Sunghoon Jung
Thomas Flacke
Un-ki Yang
Weichong Huang
Wolfgang Kilian
Won Sang Cho
Yandong Liu
Yasuhito Sakaki
Yoshitaro Takaesu
Zhenyu Han