HEP Software Collaboration meeting

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Ian Bird (CERN), John Harvey (CERN)
Current HEP software is the result of 20 years of development and now must evolve to meet the challenges posed by new experimental programmes, including future upgrades of the LHC. In addition, the computing landscape is evolving rapidly and we need to exploit all the expertise available in our community, and in other scientific disciplines, in order to meet the technical challenges we are facing. During the last 2 years, a Concurrency Forum has been meeting to promote discussions within the HEP community regarding various independent R&D efforts. Formalising this activity into a Collaboration would be a natural next step to eventually transform the R&D efforts into joint projects to build software libraries of general interest. A formal Collaboration would also provide a framework for attracting effort and external funding, as well as providing a structure for the community to set priorities and goals for the work. This should be a HEP community-wide effort, but should be open enough that eventually it could form the basis for collaboration with other sciences. The short note attached describes some of the thinking behind this initiative. The current agenda is still very preliminary. VIDEO CONFERENCE: see under "Video Services" Vidyo public room ongoing until Fri 4/Apr at 18:00 : HEP_Software_Collaboration_meeting Extension 9297652
Background information
  • Thursday 3 April
    • Morning session
      • 1
        Welcome from CERN Director of Research
        Speaker: Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)
      • 2
        Vision behind the HEP Software Collaboration Initiative initiative
        - stakeholders and what each expects from such a collaboration (users, developers, management, funding agencies) - added value that a collaboration would bring to HEP development activities - challenges posed by experimental programmes and changing computing landscape; - goals include clean-up of existing software and improving its performance by large factors; fostering new projects - engage community to exploit expertise and effort available; seek new funding opportunities; - promote the use of external software and collaboration with other scientific software domains
        Speaker: Dr Richard Philip Mount (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
      • 3
        Recent HEP experience developing common software packages
        - inventories of packages that are currently used in HEP experimental programmes - how packages typically appear through recent examples - connections with other fields - options and benefits of (re-)organising activities as either large or small scale projects
        Speaker: Dr Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US))
        CHEP07 Life Cycle
        CHEP13 Taxonomy
        LCGAA Blueprint RTAG
      • 10:45
        Coffee break
      • 4
        Model for organising and supporting development activities
        - establish an architectural blueprint and common language of terms - define ways to ensure interoperability of components developed in the context of the collaboration - establish guidelines for software processes and tools - outlook for technologies that need to be embraced and existing software domains that need attention - adoption of standards to ensure quality and performance - identify synergies between existing HEP projects and prospects for collaboration outside HEP
        Speaker: Dr Pere Mato Vila (CERN)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • Afternoon session
      • 5
        Governance Model
        - leverage experience of managing existing collaborations to establish a governance that is effective but not overly burdensome - propose leadership roles (spokesperson(s), Chief Technology Officer, ...) - propose bodies needed for: + managing technical work on a day to day basis (Technical Board) + monitoring progress and ensuring scientific mission is carried out (Scientific Advisory Panel) - roles for managing development infrastructure (librarian, documentation,release management, ..) - roles that need to be filled to ensure high standards are maintained (QA, performance ..) - propose viable way(s) of launching the collaboration and identifying follow-up steps
        Speaker: Dr Panagiotis Spentzouris (Fermilab)
      • 15:00
        Tea break
      • 6
        Funding Opportunities for new software proposals
        One of the collaboration’s goals should be fostering proposals for new software initiatives, bringing together people from different labs, HEP programmes etc. to work together on new projects. Contributions are invited in order to review prospects of using new funding programmes to facilitate this e.g. o EU Horizon 2020 o US DOE and NSF o Asia: Japan, Korea, India, …. o …
        • a) NSF Funding opportunities
          Speaker: Dr Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US))
        • b) DOE Funding Opportunities
          Speaker: Dr Panagiotis Spentzouris (FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY)
        • c) EU -Horizon2020 funding opportunities
          Speaker: Mauro Morandin (Universita e INFN (IT))
        • d) EU - T0 proposal Funding Opportunities
          Speaker: Giovanni Lamanna (LAPP)
        • e) LPaSo project
          Speaker: David Rousseau (LAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France)
        • f) Japan Funding opportunities
          Speaker: Takashi Sasaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
      • 7
    • Morning session
      • 8
        Discussion Session
        Discuss basic roadmaps and priorities. Contributions from the floor are invited, either prepared or spontaneous.
        Speaker: Mr Federico Carminati (CERN)
        • a) Software Ventures
          Speaker: Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB))
        • b) Comments nd Suggestions
          Speaker: Dr Rene Brun (CERN)
        • c) Comments from Budapest
          Speaker: Gyoergy Vesztergombi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
      • 10:30
        Coffee break
      • 9
        Wrap-up and conclusions
        Summary will be given of what was discussed and agreed during the meeting. This session should identify action items and agree next steps to be followed.
        Speaker: Mr Federico Carminati (CERN)