Aug 25 – 29, 2014
Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary
CET timezone
All manuscript submitted to the proceedings of WPCF 2014 are cordially invited to the online-only, free to read and free of charge journal JCEGI, to its first volume on Special Topics in High Energy Physics. Check the News for details.

Quantum coherence using 2-, 3-, and 4-pion B-E correlations

Aug 26, 2014, 11:40 AM
Lecture Hall 5 (Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary)

Lecture Hall 5

Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary

H-3200 Gyöngyös Mátrai út 36.


Dhevan Raja Gangadharan (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

Presentation materials