News of August 2, 2016:
All the contributions that were written up using the WPCF 2014 conference style and were not published elsewhere are invited to the on-line only and free of charge, refereed electronic journal JCEGI, to be printed in the first issue of Special Topics in High Energy Physics. This journal already published the WPCF Conference Report and decided to start this new series, dedicated to special topics such as femtoscopy and diffraction in high energy physics. We will contact each WPCF 2014 contributors about this favourable news: publication in a free, online only, refereed journal.
Speaker/contributor | Title | Proceedings paper | pdf version |
A. László | A Linear Iterative Unfolding Method | [arXiv:1111.3387, arXiv:1404.2787] | [PDF, PDF] |
S. Todorova | Quantization of the QCD string with a helical structure | [arXiv:1309.6761] | [PDF] |
V. Shapoval et al. | Extracting pΛ scattering lengths from heavy ion collisions | [arxiv:1405.3594] | [PDF] |
F. Nemes, for the TOTEM Collaboration | LHC Optics Measurement with Proton Tracks Detected by the Roman Pots of the TOTEM Experiment | [arXiv:1406.0546] | [PDF] |
K. Kreutzfeldt, for the ATLAS Collaboration | Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector | [arXiv:1408.5778] | [PDF] |
W. Broniowski et al. | Alpha clusters and collective flow in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions | [arXiv:1410.7434, arXiv:1409.2160, arXiv:1312.0289] | [PDF, PDF, PDF] |
W. Metzger | Multiplicity, Jet, and Transverse Mass dependence of Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e- Annihilation | [arXiv:1411.3898] | [PDF] |
F. Siklér, for the CMS Collaboration | Femtoscopy with identified hadrons in pp, pPb, and peripheral PbPb collisions in CMS | [arXiv:1411.6609] | [PDF] |
R. Ryblewski | Transport coefficients in second-order non-conformal viscous hydrodynamics | [arXiv:1411.7184] | [PDF] |
A. Nath Mishra et al. | Multiparticle production in nuclear collisions using effective-energy approach | [arXiv:1411.7792] | [PDF] |
T. Csörgő, F. Nemes and M. Csanád | Excitation function of elastic pp scattering from a unitarily extended Bialas-Bzdak model | [arXiv:1412.0813] | [PDF] |
J. Yang et al. | Pion Transverse Momentum Spectrum, Elliptic Flow and Interferometry in the Granular Source Model in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions | [arxiv:1501.03651] | [PDF] |
R. Gupta | A Monte Carlo Study of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC Energies | [arxiv:1501.03773] | [PDF] |
S. Velle et al. | Two particle correlation effects and Differential HBT for rotation in heavy ion collisions | [arxiv:1501.03804] | [PDF] |
L. Jenkovszky et al. | Extracting the Odderon from pp and pbarp scattering data | [arXiv:1501.03860] | [PDF] |
C-Y. Wong et al. | Chaoticity and Coherence in Bose-Einstein Condensation and Correlations | [arXiv:1501.04530] | [PDF] |
K. Ürmössy et al. | v2 of charged hadrons in a soft+hard model for PbPb collisions at 2.76 ATeV | [arXiv:1501.05959] | [PDF] |
T. Niida | Event geometrical anisotropy and fluctuation viewed by HBT interferometry | [arXiv:1501.06782] | [PDF] |
A. Goldschmidt et al. | Collision Geometry and Flow in Uranium+Uranium Collisions | [arXiv:1502.00603] | [PDF] |
K. Aoki, for the J-PARC E16 Collaboration | Study of in-medium mass modification at J-PARC | [arXiv:1502.00703] | [PDF] |
H. Beck, for the ALICE Collaboration | Femtoscopic Proton-Lambda Correlations in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV with ALICE | [arXiv:1502.00848] | [PDF] |
I. Melo et al. | Reconstructing the final state of Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV | [arXiv:1502.01247] | [PDF] |
A. Rybicki et al. | Charge splitting of directed flow and charge-dependent effects in pion spectra in heavy ion collisions | [arXiv:1502.03689] | [PDF] |
Z. Tarics et al. | Three-component Pomeron model in high energy pp- and pp- elastic scattering | [arXiv:1502.05344] | [PDF] |
S. S. Padula, for the CMS Collaboration | Multidimensional analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at 2.76 and 7 TeV in CMS | [arXiv:1502.05757] | [PDF] |
A. Bialas | Finite size of hadrons and Bose-Einstein Correlations | [arXiv:1504.01382] | [PDF] |
M. Csanád et al. | Higher order anisotropies in hydrodynamics | [arXiv:1504.07932] | [PDF] |
V. A. Okorokov | Energy dependence of space-time extent of pion source in nuclear collisions | [arXiv:1504.08336] | [PDF] |
S. Kiss | Educational Challenges of Rubik's Cube | [arXiv:1505.00750] | [PDF] |
A. Ster, L. Lönnblad, G. Gustafson and T. Csörgő | Total, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high energy pA and gamma-A reactions with the dipole formalism | [arXiv:1506.09095] | [PDF] |
M. I. Nagy and T. Csörgő | An analytic hydrodynamical model of rotating 3D expansion in heavy-ion collisions | [PDF] | |
T. Csörgő | Qbe: Quark Matter on Rubik's Cube | [PDF] |
Please accept our sincere thanks and respect for Your contributions and help that supported us in organizing WPCF 2014 as a gateway to knowledge and to an inspiring and useful, successful meeting in Gyöngyös, Hungary.
This conference and its proceedings was supported by
- Academia Humana Foundation, Budapest, Hungary;
- Berze Secondary/Middle School, and Berze Science Club Gyöngyös, Hungary;
- CERN, Geneva, Switzerland;
- Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary;
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
- Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary;
- OTKA, Hungarian National Science Fund, Budapest, H
- Rubik Studio, Budapest, Hungary;
- TÁMOP 4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0001 "KEZEK – Észak-Magyarország felsőoktatási intézményeinek együttműködése"
- TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV - 2012-0012 "Zöld Energia Felsőoktatási Együttműködés"
- Széchenyi 2020 fund by the Europan Union and the Government of Hungary;
- US Department of Energy, USA;
- Wigner Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
- an anonymous private company from Gyöngyös region, Hungary;
- and a few anonymous private persons from Gyöngyös region, Hungary.
It is our pleasure to express our appreciation and gratitude to our sponsors, whose names are also listed here.
Last updated on February 22, 2017.