Dear Supporters of WPCF 2014:
Please accept our sincere thanks and respect for Your contributions and help that supports us in organizing WPCF 2014 as a gateway to knowledge and to an inspiring and useful, successful meeting in Gyöngyös, Hungary. In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to:
- Academia Humana Foundation, Budapest, Hungary;
- Berze Secondary/Middle School, and Berze Science Club Gyöngyös, Hungary;
- CERN, Geneva, Switzerland;
- Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary;
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
- Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary;
- OTKA, Hungarian National Science Fund, Budapest, Hungary
- Rubik Studio, Budapest, Hungary;
- TÁMOP 4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0001 "KEZEK – Észak-Magyarország felsőoktatási intézményeinek együttműködése"
- TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV - 2012-0012 "Zöld Energia Felsőoktatási Együttműködés"
- Széchenyi 2020 fund by the Europan Union and the Government of Hungary;
- US Department of Energy, USA;
- Wigner Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
- an anonymous private company from Gyöngyös region, Hungary;
- some anonymous private persons from Gyöngyös region, Hungary.
This is the full list of WPCF2014 supporters and patrons, at the time of finalizing the proceedings of the conference.