3D pion femtoscopy measurements in p-Pb collisions in ALICE (in session "Session 17")
A linear iterative unfolding method for imaging (in session "Session 12")
Alpha clustering and flow in light-heavy systems (in session "Session 8")
An MC study of multiplicity fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies (in session "Session 12")
Analytic solution of 3D fireball hydrodynamics without spheroidal symmetry (in session "Session 8")
Angular correlations of identified hadrons in pp collisions from ALICE (in session "Session 5")
Anisotropic flow measurements at LHC energies (in session "Session 2")
Apparent flow from pp to AA due to radiation (in session "Session 13")
Beam-energy and system-size dependence of the space-time extent of the pion source in heavy ion collisions (in session "Session 9")
BEC in e+e- annihilation (in session "Session 2")
Chaoticity and coherence in intensity interferometry (in session "Session 6")
Charge splitting of directed flow in heavy ion collisions (in session "Session 17")
Charged kaon Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at STAR (in session "Session 11")
Collective correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions (in session "Session 8")
Correction methods for finite-acceptance effects in two-particle correlation analysis (in session "Session 12")
Correlation femtoscopy of pi and K at RHIC and LHC from a hydrokinetic model (in session "Session 1")
Correlations and elliptic azim. anisotropy of heavy flavours measured with ALICE (in session "Session 13")
Cross section fluctuations in hadronic and nuclear collisions (in session "Session 12")
Cross sections and final states in diffractive excitation (in session "Session 3 - Diffraction")
Deformed Bose gas models: correlations, thermodynamics and the uses (in session "Session 6")
Effective energy dissipation and particle production in HIC (in session "Session 16")
Elastic and inelastic diffraction at the LHC (in session "Session 7")
Elliptic flow from causal hydrodynamic fluctuations (in session "Session 17")
Elliptic flow of identified particles measured with ALICE (in session "Session 13")
Event geometrical anisotropy and fluctuation viewed by HBT interferometry (in session "Session 1")
Event shape dependent identical pion femtoscopy in pp collisions (in session "Session 14")
Extracting p-Lambda scattering lengths from heavy ion collisions (in session "Session 17")
Femtoscopic p-Lambda Correlations in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV (in session "Session 11")
Femtoscopy and correlations in d-Au collisions (in session "Session 10")
Femtoscopy in event by event hydrodynamics (in session "Session 14")
Femtoscopy with identified hadrons in pp, pPb, and peripheral PbPb coll. in CMS (in session "Session 2")
Femtoscopy with lambda baryons in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE (in session "Session 11")
Flow and femtoscopy at RHIC BES in a viscous hydro+cascade model (in session "Session 10")
Freeze-out state from analysis of transverse mom. spectra in PbPb coll. at 2.76 ATeV (in session "Session 14")
Freezeout radii from 3-pion cumulants in pp, pPb and PbPb coll (in session "Session 10")
Generalized Bialas-Bzdak model for measuring the size of the proton at LHC (in session "Session 7")
Generic framework for anisotropic flow analyses with multi particle azimuthal correlations (in session "Session 13")
GeoMatech: Application of Modelling Tasks in the Classroom (in session "Session 4")
Greetings from KRF (in session "Session 1")
HBT correlations and composite nature of hadrons (in session "Session 1")
Higher flow harmonics and ridge effect in PbPb coll with HYDJET++ (in session "Session 5")
Higher flow harmonics in analytic hydro and asymmetry mixing (in session "Session 5")
Highlights of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan with STAR (in session "Session 9")
How large is the Knudsen number reached in ultrarelativistic HIC? (in session "Session 16")
International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) (in session "Session 4")
LHC Optics meas. with proton tracks detected by the Roman Pots of the TOTEM (in session "Session 7")
Low transverse-mom. pion production in heavy-ion coll. at the LHC (in session "Session 5")
Marketing of Rubik’s Cube as an Educational Tool (in session "Session 4")
Measure of coherence and incoherence in pi-A collisions (in session "Session 15")
Measurement of direct photon 3rd order azimuthal anisotropy in AuAu collisions (in session "Session 17")
Measurement of the pp total cross-section using the ALFA in ATLAS (in session "Session 7")
Measuring baryon-baryon potentials with residual correlations (in session "Session 11")
Multidimensional analysis of BEC in pp coll. at 2.76 and 7 TeV in CMS (in session "Session 14")
Multiple diffraction theory of elastic pp scattering, with applications to 7 TeV pp data from LHC (in session "Session 3 - Diffraction")
Multiplicity and s dependence of hadron spectra and v2 at RHIC and LHC (in session "Session 14")
Neutral kaon femtoscopic correlations in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE (in session "Session 11")
Next WPCF (in session "Closing/Summary Session 18")
Observables and in. cond. from self-similar, spheroidal rotating sol’s of hydrodynamics (in session "Session 8")
Orientation resolution in U+U Collisions (in session "Session 5")
Overview of Elliptic Flow Measurement at RHIC Energies (in session "Session 10")
Overview of TOTEM results on total cross-section, elastic scattering and diffraction at LHC (in session "Session 3 - Diffraction")
Perfect Fluid of Quarks and the 40th Anniversary of Rubik’s Cube (in session "Session 4")
Pion pt spectrum, elliptic flow and interferometry in the granular source model for Heavy Ion Collisions (in session "Session 16")
Poker with quarks and leptons (in session "Session 4")
PT dependent event-plane angle: understanding ini. state fluct. in PbPb & pPb (in session "Session 12")
Quantization of the QCD string with helical structure (in session "Session 15")
Quantum coherence using 2-, 3-, and 4-pion B-E correlations (in session "Session 6")
Quark Wars (in session "Session 4")
Ripples on relativistically expanding fluid (in session "Session 13")
Rubik Robot at KRF (in session "Session 4")
Study of collective phenomena in pPb collisions by the CMS experiment (in session "Session 17")
Study of in-medium mass modification at J-PARC (in session "Session 15")
Study of rotating systems with the differential HBT method (in session "Session 8")
Summary (in session "Closing/Summary Session 18")
Teaching Physics of Sports (in session "Session 4")
Total, inelastic and elastic x-sect. of high-E pp, pA, gA reactions with dipole formalism (in session "Session 7")
Transport coefficients for bulk viscous evolution in the relaxation-time approximation (in session "Session 16")
Include materials from selected contributions