Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–13 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

TCT, eTCT and I-DLTS measurement setups at the CERN SSD Lab

11 Jun 2014, 14:20



Christian Gallrapp (CERN)


Setups based on the transient current technique using pulsed LASERs with 660nm and 1064nm wavelength were built at the CERN SSD Lab. Microsecond LASER pulses are used in the I-DLTS setup to investigate charge carrier detrapping on irradiated silicon sensors. First measurement results from a set of proton irradiated silicon diodes exposed to red laser pulses of 1us to 5us are presented. A new TCT+ setup based on the former TCT setup combines all features of a conventional red and IR TCT measurement with an edge-TCT setup. A temperature controlled Peltier cooling system allows measurements above -20C with a variation of +-0.4C. A summary of measurements performed with irradiated and unirradiated samples illustrates the current state of the system.

Primary author


Hannes Neugebauer (Hamburg University (DE)) Marcos Fernandez Garcia (Universidad de Cantabria (ES)) Michael Moll (CERN)

Presentation materials