Andrew Steiner
23/03/2015, 11:30
The EOS of dense matter and neutron star structure
Tereza Mendes
(University of São Paulo)
23/03/2015, 15:30
We investigate the critical behavior of electric and magnetic gluon propagators around the deconfinement phase transition for SU(2) gauge theory on the lattice. We test the critical properties of these correlation functions and extract screening masses from their behavior.
Fernando Navarra
23/03/2015, 16:00
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Oral presentation
We present a short review of the theoretical and experimental status of
$X(3872)$ production in high energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus
collisions at the LHC. We then discuss the interaction of the $X(3872)$
with light mesons in a hadron gas.
Raphael M. Albuquerque
(University of São Paulo)
23/03/2015, 16:30
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Oral presentation
We calculate the branching ratio for the production of the meson $Y(4260)$ in the decay $B^- \to Y(4260)K^-$. We use QCD sum rules approach and we consider the $Y(4260)$ to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic tetraquark, $[\bar{c}\bar{q}][qc]$, states with $J^{PC}=1^{--}$. Using the value of the mixing angle determined previously as: $\theta=(53.0\pm0.5)^\circ$, we get the branching...
Luciano Abreu
23/03/2015, 17:30
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Oral presentation
We perform a field-theoretical study of possible deuteron-like molecules with
both open charm and bottom, using the Heavy-Meson Effective Theory. In
this approach, we analyze the parameter space of the coupling constants and discuss the
formation of loosely-bound $D^{(*)} B^{(*)} $-states. We estimate
their masses and other properties.
Ishtiaq Ahmed
23/03/2015, 18:00
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Oral presentation
In this study, we investigate the electromagnetic form factors, $F^{em}_{X^{0^-}}$, decay constants, $f_{X^{0^-}}$, and charge radii, $\langle r_{X^{0^-}}\rangle$, where $X^{0^-}=\pi^+\text{ or }K^+$, for pion and kaon within the frame work of light-front field theory formalism using symmetric vertex function as a quark-meson interaction vertex. The above mentioned observables are evaluated...
Gilberto Ramalho
23/03/2015, 18:30
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Oral presentation
One of the challenges of the modern physics
is the description of the internal structure
of the baryons and mesons.
The electromagnetic structure
of the nucleon $N$ and the nucleon resonances $N^\ast$ can be accessed
through the $\gamma^\ast N \to N^\ast$ reactions,
which deppend of the (photon) transfer momentum squared $Q^2$ [1--4].
The data associated with those transitions...
Daniel Gomez Dumm
23/03/2015, 19:00
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Oral presentation
Tau decays are analyzed within the framework of resonance chiral theory.
This is an extension of chiral perturbation theory in which resonances are
incorporated as dynamical states in the Lagrangian, making use of both
chiral symmetry and large N_C considerations. It is seen that after
imposing asymptotic QCD constraints, a few effective coupling constants
need to be fitted from...
Burkhard Schmidt
24/03/2015, 09:00
An overview about the of High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC and the detector upgrades
Gert Aarts
(Swansea University)
24/03/2015, 11:30
The QCD phase diagram at real and imaginary chemical potential
Gastão Krein
24/03/2015, 15:30
There is a remarkable prediction of QCD that the leptonic decay
constants of the excited states of the pion are dramatically
suppressed relative to that of the ground-state pion - in the
chiral limit, the decay constants of the excited pions are
exactly zero. Although within a quark model perspective a
suppression of a leptonic decay constant for excited states
is expected, as it is...
Henrique Boschi
24/03/2015, 16:00
We review some hadron properties obtained from holographic AdS/QCD models.
Wayne de Paula
24/03/2015, 16:30
We construct a Dynamical AdS/QCD model for Light-Mesons and Baryons. The model is a solution of five-dimensional Einstein-dilaton equations that encodes essential features of holographic QCD backgrounds dynamically. Our solution for the gravity background corresponds to a deformed Anti-de Sitter metric at the relevant QCD scale. In this unified model we obtained Regge Trajectories for...
Alberto Correa Dos Reis
(CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))
24/03/2015, 17:30
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Oral presentation
Charmless three-body decays of $B^+$ mesons are an excellent laboratory for direct CP violation (CPV) studies. While in two-body decays one measures a single number - the CP asymmetry in the partial decay rates -, in three-body decays the distribution of CP asymmetries across the two-dimensional phase space brings additional information on the underlying mechanisms.
Recently the LHCb...
Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)
24/03/2015, 18:00
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Oral presentation
We will discuss recent results for the formulation of charged three-body $B$ decays in charmless channels, like $KKK$,
$\pi\pi$, $KK\pi$, and $\pi\pi\pi$, introducing the final state interaction in the decay amplitude with
relation to the CPT constraint, while CP violation is allowed. We consider the s-wave interaction between the mesons, coupling between different decay channels and a...
Emmanuel de Oliveira
24/03/2015, 18:30
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Oral presentation
We consider the opening angle as an evolution variable for parton distributions. This allow us to take into account both DGLAP and BFKL leading logarithms and arrive at a single evolution equation, useful for Monte Carlo simulations. Most current global analysis only take into account DGLAP effects, therefore the use of our evolution equation should be particularly important at small *x*.
Giorgio Torrieri
(JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)
24/03/2015, 19:00
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Oral presentation
We discuss the relevance of the Unruh effect in multiparticle processes.
We review the cases where it is nothing more than an effective description of "conventional" multi-particle processes describeable, in the inertial frame, through standard scattering theory, and discuss cases where this equivalency breaks down.
We suggest that an experimental investigation of this issue, achievable in...
Debora Menezes
24/03/2015, 21:00
Hadron physics stands somewhere in the diffuse intersection between nuclear and particle physics and relies largely on the use of models. Historically, around 1930, the first nuclear physics models known as the liquid drop model and the semi-empirical mass formula established the grounds for the study of nuclei properties and nuclear structure. These two models are parameter dependent....
Andrew Steiner
25/03/2015, 09:00
Transport properties in dense matter and neutron star evolution
Burkhard Schmidt
25/03/2015, 10:30
The physics reach and the performance requirements for the experiments
Gert Aarts
(Swansea University)
26/03/2015, 09:00
Complex Langevin dynamics as a solution to the sign problem
Leticia Palhares
26/03/2015, 10:30
In this seminar, we investigate the role of a non-perturbative
breaking of the BRST invariance in the infrared regime of non-Abelian
gauge theories and its possible relation to confinement.
This breaking naturally arises from the procedure of quantization of
Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theories that takes into account the presence
of Gribov copies. The resulting non-perturbative framework...
Rômulo Rougemont
26/03/2015, 11:30
We obtain holographic formulas for the transport coefficients $\kappa$ and $\tau_\pi$ present in the second-order derivative expansion of relativistic hydrodynamics in curved spacetime associated with a non-conformal strongly coupled plasma described holographically by an Einstein+Scalar action in the bulk. We compute these coefficients as functions of the temperature in a bottom-up...
Jorge Horvath
26/03/2015, 12:00
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Oral presentation
Relativistic binary systems showing the ablation of the donor star by
pulsar winds have been discovered in 1988 and studied recently using
FermiLat and other facilities. We discuss in this presentation the
evolution of the "black widow" systems, showing that theoretical
tracks reveal i) the importance of illumination feedback of X rays
onto the donor star, ii) a long (several Gyr) overall...
João de Mello Neto
(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
26/03/2015, 15:30
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Oral presentation
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) are the highest energy messengers of the present universe, with energies up to $10^{20}$ eV. Studies of astrophysical particles (hadrons, neutrinos and photons) at their highest observed energies have implications for fundamental physics as well as astrophysics. The primary particles interacts in the atmosphere and generates an extensive air shower....
Murilo Santana Rangel
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
26/03/2015, 16:30
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
The LHCb collaboration studied the production of J/Psi and Upsilon mesons in proton-lead collisions at a proton nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5 TeV. The measurements have been used to determine the nuclear modification factor and to compare the results with theoretical predictions. A measurement of Z boson production in proton-lead collisions is presented as well. The analyses are based on...
Alexis Jean-Michel Mas
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
26/03/2015, 17:30
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
The ALICE experiment is mainly devoted to the study of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) expected
to be created in heavy ion collisions. Since electromagnetic probes do not interact strongly whith
the QGP, direct photons are reliable witnesses of the energy of the initial hard process. This
property allows one to investigate, e.g., hadrons energy loss mechanisms in the medium via gammajet...
Sudipan De
26/03/2015, 18:00
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Oral presentation
Measurements of multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of particles produced in pp collisions are important for the study of particle production mechanisms and to obtain baseline distributions to be compared with those from heavy-ion collisions. The inclusive photon measurements (dominated by $\pi^{0}$ decays) are complementary to the charged particle measurements. The present work...
Helena Pais
(University of Coimbra)
27/03/2015, 09:00
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Oral presentation
The pasta phase in core-collapse supernova matter (finite temperatures and fixed pro-
ton fractions) is studied within relativistic mean field models. Three different calculations
are used for comparison, the Thomas-Fermi (TF), the Coexistence Phase (CP) and the
Compressible Liquid Drop (CLD) approximations. The effects of including light clusters in
nuclear matter and the densities at...
Alexandre Santos
27/03/2015, 09:30
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Oral presentation
In the present paper we employ the quark-meson coupling model
(QMC) to investigate the onset of the pasta phase
in nuclear matter under conditions such as those
expected in neutron star crusts.
Pasta is obtained with fixed proton fractions and for beta equilibrated
We probe our results into restrictions imposed on the
the values of the density and pressure at the inner edge...
Burkhard Schmidt
27/03/2015, 11:30
Challenges and developments in detector technologies, electronics and computing
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
In this work, we calculate the form factors and the coupling constant of the strange-charmed
vertex $J/ψD^∗_s D_s$ in the framework of the QCD sum rules by studying their three-point correlation
functions. All the possible off-shell cases are considered, $D_s$, $D^∗_s$ and $J/ψ$, resulting in three different
form factors. These form factors are extrapolated to the pole of their respective...
Luis Augusto Trevisan
(State University of Ponta Grossa)
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
A simple statistical model is developed with the Fock states being the meson-hadron fluctuation. As expected, a insight about the violation of the Gottfried sum rule is obtained,and we discussed the possible relation between the temperature and the scattering energy. We notice that with this model, there is small decrease of the GSR, with very high energies. The model may predict also small a...
Vitor Gigante
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
In this work, the Nakanishi perturbative integral representation is, for the first time, used to numerically solve the problem of relativistic bound state of two bosons in 2 + 1 dimensions in space Minkowski.
The Nakanishi perturbative integral representation of the
Bethe-Salpeter amplitude in three (2+1) dimensions is used
in order to obtain the spectrum and structure of bound states,...
Bruno Osorio Rodrigues
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
In the past few decades, the QCD sum rules (QCDSR) community, has been working actively in the calculation of strong coupling constants of a large variety of interaction vertices between mesons. Particularly, our QCDSR group has been working extensively in the charm sector, with the calculation of a vast number of coupling constants as the $D^{ * } D \pi$, $D^{( * )} D^{( * )} \rho$, $J/\psi...
Jeyner Castro Cardona
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
We study in detail the nonperturbative modifications caused to the dynamical quark mass by the inclusion of a small number of quark families in the gluon propagator and ghost dressing function obtained from the unquenched lattice simulations. We solve the quark gap equation using a non-Abelian Ansatz for the quark-gluon vertex which displays a crucial dependence on the ghost dressing...
Pablo Guillermo Allen
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
We study the effect of intense magnetic fields on the phase diagram of cold, strongly interacting matter within an extended version of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model that includes flavor mixing effects and vector interactions. Different values of the relevant model parameters in acceptable ranges are considered. Charge neutrality and beta equilibrium effects, which are specially relevant to the...
Bruno El-Bennich
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
We discuss theoretical approaches to form factors in heavy-meson decays, e.g. weak decay constants, transition form factors and effective heavy-to-light meson couplings, which are hadronic expressions of nonperturbative QCD. After motivating their origin in QCD factorization and heavy quark effective theories, we retrace their evolution from earlier quark-model calculations to non-perturbative...
Luis Almeida
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
In this work we present a schematic description of the dynamical evolution of a protoneutron star which begins to burn neutron matter into strange matter inside the core. We have used a simple two-shell model where the inner shell medium is initially composed of a small lump of strange quark matter surrounded by an outer shell composed of free neutron matter. In a first attempt, we have...
Eduardo Lenho Coelho
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
One of the most interesting kind of neutron stars are the pulsars, which are highly magnetized neutron stars with fields up to $10^{14}$G at the surface.
The strength of magnetic field in the center of a neutron star
remains unknown. According to the scalar virial theorem, magnetic field
in the core could be as large as $10^{18}$G. Emissivity of neutrinos by the direct Urca process is the...
Jorge Nogueira
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
In three-body charmless $B^{\pm}$ meson decay CPT symmetry is an important constraint that must be obeyed by the decay amplitude. Consistent with this requirement the final state interaction (FSI) in the decay amplitude has a important relationship with the CP asymmetry pattern in the decay of
charge conjugates mesons $B^\pm$ as shown in [1]. Recent experiments of LHCb [2] bring results for...
Ronai Lisboa
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
We present relativistic mean field (RMF) calculations in
the Dirac-Hartree-Bogoliubov (DHB) formalism for hot nuclei considering
not only the self-consistent temperature and density dependence of
the relativistic interaction, but also the vapour phase to take in
account the unbound nucleon states. The temperature dependence of
the pairing gaps, nuclear deformation, radii, binding...
Rodrigo Konrath
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a good place to study Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), which describes the hard interactions between the quarks and the gluons, i.e., the hadrons constituents. Because of the asymptotic freedom, the collisions between hadrons can be perturbatively calculated in the high energy limit of the parton collisions, if the parton distribution functions (PDFs) are...
Caio Alves Garcia Prado
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Central Au+Au collisions at RHIC exhibit a strong particle suppression when compared to p+p collisions. Anisotropic flow is also observed in experiments. The particle suppression is usually associated with jet quenching or energy loss of partons inside the quark-gluon-plasma (QGP) where the anisotropic flow might be due to lumps of high-density inside the medium. These fluctuations in initial...
José Arbañil
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
We investigate the hydrostatic equilibrium configuration and the stability versus radial perturbation of electrically charged strange quark stars composed by a charged perfect fluid. We consider that the pressure of the fluid is computed from the MIT bag model equation of state and the charge distribution from a power-law function of the radial coordinate. These studies are possible through...
George Yabusaki
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The study of the lightest pseudoscalar mesons plays an important role in order to understand the low energy QCD,being
the lightest strongly bound quark-antiquark states as well as the
Goldstone bosons associated with chiral symmetry
breaking. Their static and dynamical properties have also been investigated theoretically and experimentally.
With respect to the description
of bound...
Emerson Luna
(Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Using an eikonal QCD-based model in order to connect the semihard parton-level dynamics to the hadron-hadron scattering, we obtain predictions for the $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ total cross sections, $\sigma_{tot}^{pp,\bar{p}p}$, and the ratios of the real to imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude, $\rho^{pp,\bar{p}p}$. We consider the phenomenological implications of a class of...
Glauber Sampaio dos Santos
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
In this work we analyse the theoretical uncertainties on the predictions for the photoproduction of light vector mesons in coherent $pp$ and $AA$ collisions at the LHC energies using the color dipole approach. In particular, we present our predictions for the rapidity distribution for $\rho^0$ and $\phi$ photoproduction and perform an analysis on the uncertainties associated to the choice of...
Samuel I. Santos
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The theory of classical Proca
elds in curved spacetimes without torsion is presented.
In particular, the wave equation for a Proca potential is deduced. A two-component
spinor version of the theory is subsequently exhibited on the basis of the use of certain
calculational techniques that are already available in the literature concerning the spinor
formalisms of Infeld and van der...
Forward particle production in the CGC formalism: average transverse momentum and $\tau$ scaling
F. O. durães
(Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM), SP, Brazil)
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
In this work we have used the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism of forward particle production to describe the transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in proton-lead collisions at the LHC. We have also investigated the rapidity dependence of the average transverse momentum, $ < p_{T} > $, and the so called scaling variable, $ < \tau = p^{2}_{T}/Q^{2}_{s} > $, where $Q_{s}$...
Vincenzo Liccardo
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
We will describe the LAUE project, supported by the Italian Space Agency, whose aim is to demonstrate the capability to build a focusing optics in the hard X-/soft gamma-ray domain (80–600 keV). To show the lens feasibility, the assembling of a Laue lens petal prototype with 20 m focal length is ongoing. Indeed, a feasibility study, within the LAUE project, has demonstrated that a Laue lens...
Anderson Nogueira
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The main goal of this work is to investigate the quantum interaction between scalar particles and gauge field in the context of Generalized Scalar Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Electrodynamics (GSDKP) by quantizing the theory in a functional approach. The Hamiltonian structure is obtained with the Dirac method and the Faddeev-Senjanovic procedure is established in order to write the transition...
Antonio Maurício S. N. Ferreira
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
One of the most widely used approach for studying the IR sector of QCD are the Schwinger-Dyson equations. This infinite system of coupled non-linear integral equations for all Green’s functions of the theory is inherently
non-perturbative and can accommodate phenomena such as chiral symmetry breaking and dynamical mass generation. In practice, however, their usefulness hinges crucially on...
Willian M. Serenone
Lattice QCD - methods and results
There is interest in the study of heavy-quark systems since the decays of heavy-
quarks can be used in the search of Beyond the Standard Model physics [1]. A
commonly used approximation to the spin-independent interquark potential for
heavy quarks is the so-called Cornell (or Coulomb plus linear) potential, which
interpolates the perturbative regime and non-perturbative regime by...
Ricardo L.S. Farias
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Motivated by the fact that strong magnetic fields $B$ may be produced in noncentral heavy-ion collisions, investigations of the effects of $B$ on the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter became a subject of great interest in recent years. Results from lattice QCD simulations show that the pseudo critical temperature $T_{\rm pc}$ for chiral-symmetry restoration decreases with $B$, a...
Sergio Szpigel
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Effective interactions can be obtained from a renormalization group analysis in two complementary ways. One can either explicitly integrate out higher energy modes or impose given conditions at low energies for a cutoff theory. While the first method is numerically involved, the second one can be solved almost analytically. In both cases we compare the outcoming effective interactions as...
Rodrigo Alvares de Souza
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
In this work we use the statistical measures of information entropy, disequilibrium and complexity to discriminate different approaches and parametrizations for different equations of state for quark stars.
We confirm the usefulness of such quantities to quantify the role of interactions in such stars. We find that within this approach, a quark matter equation of state such as SU(2) NJL...
Sony Martins
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
In this work we study the suppression of charged and neutral hadrons in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, where the quark gluon plasma (QGP) is believed to be produced. Jet quenching is one of the important phenomena to study the properties of QGP. Jet energy loss in the QGP is the main explanation for jet quenching, which may suppress the number of hadrons produced while the jets...
Eduardo Reis
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
This work presents the first results of an extension of the spectral quark model which includes different flavors. The spectral quark model is an approach based on a generalization of the Lehmann representation for the quark propagator. Electromagnetic and chiral invariance are ensured with the help of gauge technique which provides particular solutions to the Ward-Takahashi identities....
Marcos Kendi Yamasaki
(Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
Drell-Yan process is a standard used in determination of parton distribution functions (PDFs) and has been measured in LHC experiments: ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. A theoretical possibility is to analyse the Drell--Yan process with a kinematical cutoff, with next-to-leading order accuracy and including Sudakov form factors. With the cutoff, a relatively small dilepton mass of 20 GeV, and forward...
Clara Figueiredo
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The gluon mass generation is a purely non-perturbative effect and, the natural framework to study it, in the continuum, are the Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDEs) of the theory. At the level of the SDEs the generation of such a mass is associated with the existence of infrared finite solutions
for the gluon propagator. From the theoretical point of view, the dynamical gluon mass generation has...
Cristiane Jahnke
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
ALICE is the LHC experiment dedicated to the study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The QGP is a high energy-density state of strongly-interacting matter in which partons are deconfined. This state of matter can be studied experimentally only via heavy-ion (A-A) collisions where the necessary energy density for the phase transition to the QGP can be attained. Measurements of heavy-flavour...
Geanderson Carvalho
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
The white dwarfs represents the endpoint of stellar evolution, they are formed when a star, with masses between approximately 0.07 and 8-10 $M_\odot$, exhausts its nuclear fuel, then the process that sustain its stability will stop. After this, the internal pressure can no longer stand the gravitational force and the star collapses. In this work we investigate the structure of these stars...
Rafael Palota da Silva
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
The high density of gluons in the initial state of hadronic collisions at LHC implies that the probability of multiple parton interactions within one proton - proton collision increases. In particular, the probability of having two or more hard interactions in a collision is not significantly suppressed with respect to the single interaction probability. It has motivated a rapid development...
Flavia Rocha
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
In 1918, Joseph Lense and Hans Thirring, discovered the gravitomagnetic effect when studied solutions to the Einstein field equations, using the weak field approximation, of rotation systems. They noted that when a body falls towards a massive object in rotation feel a force perpendicular to its movement. The equations that they obtained were similar to Maxwell's Equations of Electromagnetism,...
Daniela Szilard Le Cocq D'Oliveira
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
The multiple scattering theory was first developed in late 50´s by Glauber, and then applied extensively in various areas to calculate high-energy scattering amplitude of composite particles [1]. According to Glauber-Velasco model [2], the (anti-)proton is expressed as a cluster of partons, which pass through each other, and interact through the collisions of partons. It's well known since...
Pablo Guillermo Allen
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
The phase diagrams for cold color superconducting quark matter are obtained in the frame of SU(2)_f NJL model in the presence of magnetic field and chemical potential. Two sets of parameters and different values for the quark-quark and quark-antiquark couplings ratios were considered to study how the phase diagram is modified.
The regularization procedure is discussed, showing that...
José Carlos OLIVEIRA
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
With the high production of delta-resonances (~30 $\%$ of baryonic population) in the dense phase of relativistic heavy ion collisions arises a great interest in the study of the delta matter formation in neutron star structure. In previous work we determine the equation of state and the population of baryons and leptons, and also we discuss the implication of changes in the baryons-meson...
Mauricio Hippert Teixeira
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses and models
The discovery of the chiral critical point would represent a major breakthrough in the study of the phase diagram of strong interactions and is one of the main goals of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan program. Its neighborhood is characterized by the arising of intense fluctuations of the chiral field which could, in principle, generate pronounced experimental signatures. However, experimental...
Erasmo Ferreira
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Using a unified analytic representation for the elastic scattering
amplitudes of pp scattering for all energies, the behavior of
observables at the LHC energies in the range 2.76 - 14 TeV is
discussed. Similary to the case of 7 TeV data, the proposed amplitudes
give excellent description of the preliminary data at 8 TeV. The
energy dependence of the observables, with predictions for...
Dyana Duarte
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The motivation to study the phase structure of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is related to investigations of the relativistic heavy ion collisions, compact stars and the early universe. Motivated by the fact that strong magnetic fields may be produced in noncentral heavy-ion collisions, investigations of the effects produced by a magnetic field in the phase diagram of strongly interacting...
Jhosep Beltran
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
In this work we calculate the cross section of the scattering process of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory coupling with the Maxwell’s electromagnetic field. Specifically, we find the propagator of the free theory, the scattering amplitudes and cross sections at Born level for the Moeller and Compton scattering process of this model. For this purpose we use the analytic representation for free...
Sílvia Nunes
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Clouds of dusts containing hydrogen in abundance are very common in the Universe. For some reason, this system can have gravitational instabilities, later generating a star that can have three possible finals: Black Holes, White Dwarfs or Neutron Stars. The latter was studied in this work, which has the main objective of defining the profile of these stars, by finding the mass x ratio curve...
Ronaldo Vieira Lobato
(Technological Institute of Aeronautics)
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Recently, several highly magnetized white dwarfs have been observed with fields up to $10^9G$. Strong magnetic fields can change the structure of the star, such as mass, radius, electromagnetic radiation, pair production and also its period of rotation. In this work, we investigated the role of strong magnetic field in white dwarfs. We present the degenerated electron fermi gas to equation of...
Mher Aghasyan
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
In this paper we present a new technique for analysis of transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions, based on the Bessel weighting formalism. The procedure is applied to studies of the double longitudinal spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering using a new dedicated Monte Carlo generator which includes quark intrinsic transverse momentum within the...
Jorgivan Morais Dias
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Using the Hidden Local symmetry approach we study the $B\bar{B}^*$ and $B^*\bar{B}^*$ interactions for $I=1$. We show that both interactions via one light meson exchange are OZI forbidden. For that reason, we calculate the contributions for those interactions coming from the exchange of two pions, interacting and noninteracting among themselves, and also due to the heavy vector mesons...
Varese Salvador Timóteo
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
The NJL model is an effective model for the strong interaction, which is one of the four fundamental forces in nature [1]. Despite the simplicity of the model, it gives a very good description of some fundamental properties of the underlying theory of quantum chromodynamics, like the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and its corresponding effective mass generation [2, 3]. Here we propose to...
Ana Virginia Penacchioni
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
In this work we present the results of imaging simulations performed with the help of the GEANT4 package for the protoMIRAX hard X-ray balloon experiment. The instrumental background was simulated taking into account the various radiation components and their angular dependence, as well as a detailed mass model of the experiment. We modeled the meridian transits of the Crab Nebula and the...
José Carlos Jiménez Apaza
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
The study of the inner structure of compact stars requires the knowledge of the equation of state (EoS) for this
kind of exotic stellar matter. This show us how the balance between gravitational attraction and microscopic
interaction by means of the other fundamental interactions gives rise to the state of equilibrium in which they
are observed currently. In the case of quark or hybrid...
Carlos Antonio da Rocha
(São Judas Tadeu University)
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
Theoretical efforts to describe the pion production at threshold have been made since the new data [1], [2] have shown a disagreement with the description of the earlier work due to Koltun & Reitan (KR) [3]. In this pioneer work of KR, the interaction is split into two parts: one describes the correlations between the nucleons before and after production of a pion and the other is responsible...
Fabio L. Braghin
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Higher order quark effective interactions, correcting the usual NJL interaction, are derived by considering polarization effects [1,2,3]. A set of auxiliary fields is introduced one of which yields the scalar chiral quark-antiquark condensate. Fluctuations are shown to provide effective quark couplings. The leading fourth order coupling provides a correction the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The...
Paulo V. R. G. Silva
Hadronic structure - reactions, production and decays
We present an updated empirical analysis on the ratio of the elastic (integrated) to the total cross section in the c.m. energy interval from 5 GeV to 8 TeV. As in a previous work, we use a suitable analytical parametrization for that ratio (depending on only four free fit parameters) and investigate three asymptotic scenarios: either the black disk limit or scenarios above or below that...
María Florencia Izzo Villafañe
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
We analyze meson properties within an SU(2) chiral quark model that
includes nonlocal four-fermion couplings. In this work we concentrate
in the description of basic features of nonstrange vector and
axial-vector mesons, considering nonlocal form factors that are based
in lattice QCD results for effective quark propagators.
Clayton mello
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
In this work, we are studying the usual formalism of quantum field theory
of quantum field theory in Light-Front formalism, with the goal of applying
the properties of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the scheme nonperturbative.
The electromagnetic structure of the pion , wich is a pseudoscalar meson composed
of a quark-antiquark bound state with total spin zero, is our first object...